..Maybe this post will change your mind. :)
This past weekend, Mike surprised me with a trip to Dayton. (If you’re not playing along – that’s where we lived last year, where we met, where I went to college – we moved in July.)
We stayed in a bed and breakfast in this historic neighborhood…

The amazing hanging chairs in the living room. I LOVED THESE THINGS. Seriously.

And surprise! I got to meet our friends’ 16-day-old baby for the first time. I adore little babies (I know, I know – who doesn’t?) but this only convinced me further that I am not quite ready to have one of these in my life 24/7…But his little body was so snuggly. Mmm.
Launching canoe: Fail. Somehow we fell into the water while launching. And Tim and I were soaking. SOAKING, I tell you. I did not actually want to try again, because I’m a wimp and being wet in 50 degree weather is cold. But I sucked it up, because I didn’t want to be a wet blanket (pun totally intended).
I didn’t have to paddle. It was great. Instead, I was free to tightly grip the sides of the canoe and scream at Mike and Tim to “stop rocking to boat!” and insist “It’s NOT FUNNY!” because I was scared we were going to tip again. We did not.
We also had a Dave Chapelle siting at brunch. I never even liked his comedy, but it always thrills me to see a famous person in the wild.
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