her job offer. Because I am crazy.) The day I turned down the job, I jetted off to El Paso, Texas and Juarez, Mexico for a week. This time, to take students on a trip to learn about the border. It. Was. Amazing.

ters on a fabulous photo shoot (wherein I felt like a total photographer, it was a happy feeling), and I gave away Sharpies for my 25th birthday. I went on a retreat with high school girls from work on my birthday (in a ridiculously gorgeous park). I got tons of chocolate and cookbooks for my birthday. I also began a four-month commitment to only buying second-hand clothing. I dressed up as Hermione for Halloween and Mike took the GRE at the end of the month and rocked it. Hard.

December has been a nice, quiet month – as tends to happen when we have two weeks off work to merely laze about and eat fudge. It’s delightful, really. The most exciting thing was getting a new domain and spinning on the off ramp of a highway. Just thrilling. I mused some more about careers and passion and had a really great day filled with coffee and cousins. I set some goals I failed to keep and did a bit of shopping. Lots of baking and sister-time, too. And a dance party on Christmas Day. Which I haven’t told you about yet, but OH I so will.
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