The alarm went off at 5am on Sunday, and after a few minutes – I was surprised at how human I actually felt. It was sort of invigorating to be awake and out that early. Aside from supporting Mike, I had signed up volunteer in the media room while Mike ran. Plus, I wanted to be there for all the excitement of the race! I’d never actually seen a marathon – just 5 and 10Ks. The crowds were HUGE – the lines for the Porta Potties were insanely long (everyone was trying to get their pre-run *ahem* taken care of, I imagine) and people were just flooding the streets, sidewalks, hotel lobbies, EVERYWHERE. I have never seen so many people before 7am in my life.
We parted ways just before 7, Mike and his friend went to the starting line and I bought a banana for breakfast, and then had the most pathetic volunteering experience of my life. They didn’t actually need volunteers, so instead we got to crash the VIP breakfast and sit around talking (and eavesdropping on the press interviewing the winners). After two hours of this, I just left and went for a long walk for two hours. I actually quite enjoyed walking downtown alone for a few hours.
A college student who’d had open heart surgery a year ago finished the marathon and I decided that I want to do this. I want to run a marathon. Someday. (Last December, I mentioned to Mike that perhaps a marathon would be my 2010 goal – train for nine months and run a marathon in August. Little did I know this August I’d be in a whole OTHER kind of marathon.)
I actually feel guilty and a bit lazy for not running anymore. I tried to run last week for a few minutes, but had to stop because of a cramp in my stomach. I’m inspired enough to go get a belly support band and see if that helps a bit. I miss being exhausted and sweating and my feet pounding on the pavement.
Aside from all the inspiring, making-me-want-to-run hoopla, I also saw one of the Worst Things Ever:
Oh, and Mike ran the marathon in just under four hours That is about nine minutes a mile for ALMOST FOUR HOURS. I am lucky if I get two nine-minute miles in a row. And I am four years younger. (He ran a marathon eight years ago and his time was 20 minutes shorter. He thinks he’s getting old.)
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