I mentioned that we’re attempting a garden this summer. You know, after our container garden on our balcony was such a spectacular flop last summer, we thought it was a good idea. Or something.
Our apartment complex has a community garden for its residents and we have a little 5-by-10 foot plot with which to attempt to grow food. We basically have no idea what we’re doing and started a month after everyone else did. We get a lot of garden envy – there is a plot where all the plants are, like, three times the height of ours. And their tomatoes are huge and red and ripe. And I’m pretty sure their onions are having children already.
I like to say we have a fall garden. You know, everything will be ready in the fall. Because we prefer that, not because we were slacking and forgot we signed up for a plot and then went on vacation.
Turns out a garden isn’t actually too much work. We bought some tiny little vegetable plants (cheaper than the big huge plants, and we were too late to start from seeds), tilled the garden, and water it daily. And…and…THEY ARE ACTUALLY GROWING. (!)
We planted tons of tomatoes, a few cucumbers, a few bell peppers, some onions, watermelon, and eggplant (I actually did a little work and researched which vegetables were good for fall harvesting – thus ended my foray into reading about gardening. It’s confusing.)
Check it out:

What does Gabe do while we garden? At first, he sat there quietly while we tilled and removed a half-ton of rocks from our plot. When we planted, he decided to start eating some sticks. And now, he mostly like to wander off and explore (while sneaking rocks in his mouth with furtively glances in our direction). Just wait, Gabe. You’re going to be eating all of this in a few months and it’s going to blow your mind.

I LOVE that onsie! Especially in the first picture. It makes him look like a tiny, little muscled greaser. Or something like that. :-)
He has the smoldering look down, eh? :)
Good gracious this child is adorable. I’m in love with his onesie, he looks like such a little MAN!! :D I think your little garden plot sounds amazing! We had a little patio garden at our old house and grew a few things (strawberries, mint, tomatoes) but I’d love to start a bigger one now that we have a backyard with plenty of space! The idea is far too overwhelming right now but I’m hoping after the baby is born and we get into a routine of sorts TJ will help me prepare some space out back- I just know the boys would love it.
:) Kids and gardens are an adorable combination, right?
(PS: I have mint and basil growing on our balcony – close to the kitchen so I can use it. Mmmm.)
Congratulations on your garden! Gardens are like kids…You care for them and water and feed them and then watch them grooooow. Hopefully. Unless you get a late start because your daughter decided to arrive three weeks early, in which case you’re Miracle Gro-ing the hell out of your garden on the daily and hoping you’ll get something, anything.
The great part about gardening, though, is that there’s always next year. (This is what I tell myself daily. There’s always next year. There’s always next year.)
I thought you were going to say, “Gardens are like kids. You can give them everything you have and they still might screw up.”
bahahaha!! Oh man, this made my morning. Sad but true.
When I see blogs like Amanda Soule’s that have these boutiful gardens where the children can all harvest some dinner every evening I wonder what we are doing wrong. But it’s a work in progress I guess and this year we actually got some edible watermelons (!) in addition to the usual tomatoes, cukes, zucchini etc. I think it’s a wonderful learning experience for the kids, even babies. We have a juicer and my daughter that is Gabe’s age loves freshly juiced bellpeppers that come straight from our back yard. (She only drinks the red ones though, I guess they are sweeter/more palatable to a baby than green.)
So fun! My community garden plot was ravaged by a raccoon and neighborhood kids, so my next job is to clear it of weeds and prep it for a fall garden. I’m sad I missed out on so much summer produce. Sigh.
Yay for gardening!! I would love to be able to garden. I wish our apartment complex had something like that. Can’t wait to see your produce!
Man your baby is adorable.
I really need to work on the whole “keep a garden alive for a whole season” thing that’s on my 30 before 30 list. I still have two years but time flies…
It’s also so fun that your apartment complex has a garden area that you can all share. HOW COOL.
(love the new look BTW)
Gardening is so fun. Any time of the season, we can always plant some different kinds of fruits and vegetables. No matter how late it could be, I am always willing to wait for them. Your baby is so pretty. Thank you for sharing this.
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