I cleaned out all of my closets and set the goal to earn enough Little Leaf income to cover our rent and parking all year* (succeeded except for 3 months).
I attempted to tackle our chore problem and started training for my first half marathon, running in the snow and cold, which I never thought I would do.
Read In Praise of Slowness* and embarked on Project 333 and eliminated the majority of my wardrobe*.
We took Gabe on an airplane for the first time and I ran my first half marathon in Nashville.
Stayed off Twitter, Facebook, and blogs for an entire month for a social media break*, went to Ann Arbor for a weekend, and enjoyed my highest earning month of the year.
Photographed my first wedding, celebrated my grandparents’ 50th anniversary, and was assertive.
Left Gabe for a week to drive a van full of teenagers in a storm through the hills of West Virginia*. Grew a lot. Was inspired. Life changed, etc.
Celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary and took a leap of courage and joined a local moms’ group.
Went to Toronto and Niagara Falls to celebrate Mike and Gabe’s birthday, did several photoshoots.
Ran another half marathon and rocked it* (minus the throwing up), then we went to Dayton and Yellow Springs before I got bangs.
I voted, went to The Blathering in New Orleans, and completed NaBloPoMo.
* denotes that it was life-changing. Dramatic, but true.
In all, it was a pretty fantastic year – I ran two half marathons, went on six trips, and grew my business while still enjoying a lot of time with Mike and Gabe. I’m hoping 2013 is filled with even more goodness and am in the process of completing Nicole’s fabulous Why Wait? workbook and reading 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think to help me set some intentions for 2013. As you might have realized from my monthly goals, I sort of love this sort of thing – everything is brimming with possibility and hope.
What a great year for you and your family! I’m looking forward to reading about what 2013 brings you. Happy new year!
I love goals and challenges too :) I’m with you! I love how you summed up your whole year, makes me motivated to blog more in 2013 so I can actually remember everything I do!
Love the format of this post and it looks like you all enjoyed a great year!
In Praise of Slowness is brilliant. I also loved his TED Talk.
He has a TED talk!? I need to find that!
Sounds like 2012 was a good one for you. Cheers to an even better 2013!
What an amazing year. I’ve really loved reading about all your little experiments and seeing what has worked. Can’t wait to see what 2013 has in store for you (perhaps an Ashley Jr.? Maybe? Well, a girl can hope. hehe.).
What a beautiful post, both in content and design!
Love this! I am trying to de-clutter our apartment also, so the organization links helped get me inspired.
I’m a new reader, but I’m looking forward to more of your posts. :)
I love this look back on your year! It seems like it was full of family & transformation for you, just as it should be. I love this time of year too, the possibility in front of us just makes me giddy :)
Great recap! 2012 was such a good year for you! Here’s to 2013!
You had such an amazing year- 6 trips?! That’s so awesome.
Also- I love your panoramic photos… Particularly that one of Toronto and the CN tower. Gorgeous!
Is 168 hours proving to be a good book? It seems really interesting and I wonder if I would like it!
What an amazing year! Happy 2013! Hope we can get together!
I love your monthly intentions so much that I’m using your format (i.e., monthly, intentions) for myself this year. Thanks for being an inspiration!
Yay, this was perfect since I have only been reading for a few months. For whatever reason your blog won’t load while I’m at work and I can’t comment from my phone, it makes me sad. You are such an interesting and inspiring person, I am so glad we met!
So glad the Farm made your highlights list! I hope that you, Mike, and Gabe can make it out here in 2013. Happy New Year!
Love this well-designed round up of 2012.