So. This is happening:
I am pregnant again. I made it to my second trimester this time.
13 weeks, 3 days.
33.8% complete.
3.1 months pregnant.
We are excited, nervous, anxious, and hopeful. (And I’m getting sick a lot.)
I was going to wait until I felt 100% confident and excited to share the news, but I’m realizing that probably won’t happen for 6 more months when there’s a baby in my arms.
It’s been a road harder than I would have hoped; full of heartache, tears, and now, I’m hoping, our happy ending.
The hope is starting to overcome the fear. I’m so very grateful.
A baby in June.
Ashley! I’m so happy for you! I hopehopehoped this is what it was going to be when I clicked through from twitter :)
Sending you so much love! xoxoxoxo.
I’m SO happy for you!!! You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers!
ME TOO! I can’t even believe it yet! I am also having my first baby in June! Thanks for being such an inspiration on parenting and living a simple life! I can’t wait to read about your experience too :)
I’m so happy for you! <3 <3 <3
OMG! I got teary-eyed reading this. I’m praying for the best for you and your pregnancy :).
Oh, Ashley, I’m so happy for you! I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers for the next few months. What wonderful news!
I just got chills and clutched my necklace. Oh, how I am elated for you. My goodness I’m happy.
so so happy to read this news!!! unfortunately, the great exhale will likely not come until there’s a live baby in your arms, but things will feel progressively more sure through the pregnancy from my experience. Baby movement helps greatly (at least with me), and each milestone and week reached…so so happy for you!! EE!!!! It’s happening! YAY!
Oh, congrats!!
Beyond happy for you guys…. I am trying really hard not to cry again, and I’m not a cry-er, so you know it’s affected me a lot. Continuing to send love & healthy baby thoughts your way. :)
Gabe is going to be an awesome big brother! I cannot wait for you to know the Heart Explosion that comes when you see them together.
So, so happy for you all!
I’d actually noticed that things had been quiet on this topic for a while and I didn’t want to ask about it in case of jinxing things.
Amazingly excited for you though and I can’t wait to follow your journey. I’m especially excited to hear about Gabe’s reactions!
Congratulations! So happy for you.
A million congratulations to you all!!
Ashley, I am so happy for you! Congratulations! I think, once you know how fragile and precious this all is, you never can take it for granted, and I’m sad for you (and anyone else for whom this doesn’t come easily) that you can’t “just sit back and enjoy it blithely” (for ignorance really can be blissful), but I am so thrilled that things are sticking for you and wish you a happy and healthy second and third trimester, and happy and healthy baby in June! xo
AH! Congratulations! I am so, so excited for you (and Mike and Gabe!)! :)
Awww! This is so exciting! Congratulations! (I’ve only been around for a few months, so hello!) I’m now thinking all of the best (baby-health-specific) thoughts for you and yours.
Oh, happy news! Congratulations!
Yay! Yay! Yay! Happy news (and happy sniffles)! Congrats.
Oh, Ashley, I just did a fist pump in my living room. Congratulations!!
Congratulations!! So exciting!
This post…makes my heart smile for you. Congrats!
Praise God for this miracle!
I am SOOOO thrilled for you and praying for a safe pregnancy and delivery.
No one is more deserving!
What wonderful news! Congratulations!
So happy for you and your family! You and your sweet baby are in my prayers :)
Oh, Ashley. I am so happy for you. I had a friend who went through multiple miscarriages and she said the exact same thing. “I won’t be confident about this pregnancy until the baby is in my arms.” I’m so happy for you. I hope you’ll get to enjoy the rest of your pregnancy.
SUCH AMAZING NEWS! I have goosebumps! Congratulations, sweet lady. I can’t think of anything more amazing and heart warming than this. You’ve been through so much. Sending you so much love and light and wishes for a happy, healthy pregnancy.
That baby came to the Farm!! How exciting Ashley! We will be praying for you all!
Squeeee!! Congratulations!!
Such delightful news! Congratulations and best wishes
(One of my co-workers just looked in my office to see why I clapped as they walked by. Nosy Nelly.)
Yaaaaaayyyy!!! I’m so excited for you, Ashley. I will be praying for you and this little one!
YEA! I am so happy for you. I know you’ve been through a lot in the last year and I’m so glad to hear that a little sibling for Gabe is on the way. Congratulations and best wishes!
Congratulations! What wonderful news. Wishing you lots of good health!
welp this just made my day so much better. so so very excited for you and the family Ashley!!! sending all the excitement and happy tears and big hugs your way, weeeee! xo
Congrats Ashley! So excited for you and your family!
Congrats dude :) I’m just a few days ahead of you (yay!!!). We’ve got a few bumps ahead to get through but hoping for good things for us both this time around.
How wonderful! Congrats!
Congrats! Wishing you a healthy and safe pregnancy.
Congratulations and best wishes…what a lovely way to start the festive season!
this post gave me goosebumps. very happy for your family! A close friend of mine just told me she was pregnant last Friday! So much good news this holiday season!
What awesome news for you all! That’s so exciting. I hope you have plenty of moments of pure joy, with the nervousness on pause:) Hooray!!!
Hooray, hooray, hooray!
Is it weird that I cried when I read this!? What amazing, fantastic, fabulous news. I started reading your blog when you were still pregnant with Gabe and I’ve read along through all your struggle recently. There is no one more deserving of this sweet little babe than your family. Congratulations Ashley!!!
Oh my goodness! I am so so happy for you and your family! Major congrats! <3
Eeeep!! Congrats!
Whew… I’ve been wondering and praying. Will be praying. Much love your way!
Ashley, what wonderful news! I am so happy for you and your family! Congratulations!
Ashley that is such AWESOME NEWS!!! :) **happy dance***
Oh, yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soooooo happy for you. This is just the BEST news. Junebabies are the best best best. :)
YAYYYYYYY! I had a major feeling about this- I seriously have pregnancy-dar right now, it’s weird. Every time it popped into my mind I was like PLEASE let the first time she mentions this be it’s good news and not sad news. So YAY! So so happy.
I’m sending lots of hope your way and it’s okay to not feel confident until you have a baby in your arms :) Week 14 was a turn around point for me sickness wise, so I’m going to hope it is for you too!
Congratulations!!! I’m so happy for you all:)
So happy for you!! I can’t imagine how excited you must be, especially after all you’ve been through!
auh, congratulations to you and mike and gabe. keeping you guys in my thoughts and prayers
I may have just started crying!! SO happy for you guys!!!!
Oh ASHLEY! I am so happy for you and your family. I know only some of your struggles, but am thrilled for you.
Oh my goodness, congratulations!! I am soooo happy for you! 2014 is going to be an exciting year for you and your family! Yay!
Congratulations to you and your growing family!!
Yay! Congratulations! I’m also due in June after miscarrying this summer, so I understand the relief of making it to the second trimester :)
my heart is just so full for you. i adore you and this is just the most perfect little portrait of a gorgeous baby ever. thinking of you guys and hoping for a very smooth six more months!! xoxo
SOOOOOO excited!!!! :)
Huge smile here! I’m praying for your happy ending!
Oh! This brought tears to my eyes. So excited for you and your family, Ashley. Especially after such a tough road this past year. Congratulations!
Yes yes yes yes!!!! So happy for you!!! xoxoxoxoxo
I am so delighted for you!!! wishing you, mike, and gabe so much love and peace!!!
Everyone has already said what I am feeling, but so so happy for you lady!!! Congrats!!! I will keep you in my prayers for a safe and healthy pregnancy for you and the baby!
Oh my goodness I am soooo happy for you! I had happy tears in my eyes as soon as I saw this! Sending all sorts of happy thoughts and prayers your way!
So many prayers for you on this wonderful journey!!!
Congrats! You don’t know me but. . . (how many comments start that way?) okay I’ll skip the part where I say how long I’ve been reading your blog and feel guilty for never commenting before and just jump straight to the part where I say that you are a fabulous writer and photographer and your son is adorable and I’m working on commenting more on blogs I read. That said, wow! So very excited for you and your family. What a spectacular announcement!
So happy for you! Every time I saw a new post of yours popping up, I was really hoping you’d have good news! :-)
This makes me so happy, as do all of the excited comments!
What wonderful, wonderful news.
Congratulations, Ashley! So happy for your little family :)
Hang in there with the sickness, it seems like it takes longer to feel better with the second. Papaya enzyme helped a lot for me.
Congratulations to you, Ashley!
Congratulations, Ashley!
Congrats! Congrats! A million times congrats! Eeeeeeeeeee! So thrilled for you & your family! <3 Hope you start feeling better soon!
I’m just beaming and so, so glad you feel terrible. Well, not that you feel terrible, but that you have cause to feel terrible! This is going to be one cherished baby. I hope the coming months bring you peace. I am so happy for you and cannot wait to see pictures of Gabe as a big brother.
Congratulations and all the best wishes in the world:)
Hope and joy and happy tearing up for you. Congratulations!
I’m pretty sure the Internet just exploded in hope, joy and LOVE for the three — er, four! — of you! Congratulations! Sounds like you have a very happy New Year ahead of you. :)
SO excited for you!!! :) Yay! Gabe will be such an awesome big sibling :)
Oh I am so happy for you!!! I was the same as you. I had multiple miscarriages so I did not/could not relax the whole time I was pregnant as I kept waiting for something bad to happen. However it didnt and I now have a gorgeous 17 month old little girl. Hope everything goes smoothly and I cannot wait to read how your pregnancy progresses xxxx
Super exciting, Ashley. Big congrats. I give you a lot of credit for knowing what you and Mike want out of life and sticking to your plan, even when life diverts you a few times. I know it took a lot of courage to come to this place and make your announcement. I know your excitement is tempered, but surely the veil lifts a little bit each day. Hope trimester #2 provides you some relief from feeling so ill.
Congratulations! I am so very happy for you! I hope that you are soon feeling better both physically and with anxiety. I know, I know, that last one is a big hope, but that’s what hope is for, right? :-)
Wonderful, wonderful news! Congratulations!
Congrats, congrats!! So happy for you guys!
Oh, how wonderful! I’ve been a reader for a long time but rarely comment. This news is comment worthy!
Just seeing this, big congrats!