How far along? 40 weeks = FULLY COOKED
How big is baby? I’m guessing bigger than Gabe, who was 6 lbs 13 oz.
Total weight gain: +31 lbs
Updates: Still pregnant. Baby still not named. Lots and lots of contractions. Many times I thought I was going into labor, but was not.
Anxious about: Having to be induced and/or the baby not coming before Mike starts the new position July 1st with no time off. Being induced scares me because I liked (as much as you can like labor) laboring at home for 12 hours last time then going in when I was in enough pain to not care that I was at a hospital and get all nervous. Having the baby later means I’ll have less time with Mike at home to help me adjust to taking care of a baby and juggling Gabe’s needs.
Excited about: Meeting this baby! And having a smaller belly.
Feeling: Pregnant. About 75% of the time, I’m content being pregnant and enjoying this time with Mike and Gabe (Mike ended one job and has had the whole week off, so we’ve been just having a nice, quiet week of playing and shopping and eating). Then 25% of the time I’m like, “Just come out so your father will be home to help me, child!”
Exercise: Taking it easier so I don’t tire myself for labor, which is allegedly going to start sometime.
Sleep: Napping daily and up every few hours at night. Nothing terrible, though.
Movement: Rolling around more and head butting my pelvic bone every evening. I’ll take that as an attempt to escape.
- Gabe was born at 2 am on his due date. This baby is clearly not interested in paying attention to due dates.
- Our car broke down on Father’s Day, which has actually been a good distraction from not going into labor. I mean, being on the side of the highway in super hot weather wasn’t exactly good, but we were able to sell it on Craigslist to someone who wants to try to fix it. RIP, beloved Honda Accord! You were so good to us.
- Time moves more slowly for your last week before your due date (every day felt like three days), so I can only imagine that time will stretch even more in the coming days. I found a way to slow down time! Just be really super pregnant.
You have an adorable family. I hope the baby makes his/her entrance soon so that Mike can be home for you. (and I admittedly have been checking your IG and this site to see if any baby updates, in case I missed it somehow…) For whatever it’s worth you are positively radiant and gorgeous! xo
You are so sweet, my dear. Thank you for your continuing kind words & support!
C’mon unnamed baby, c’mon!!! I think I am more excited for you going into labor than I was for me :) PS: You look FABULOUS!
I’ll cross my fingers for you that labor starts soon! (VERY SOON, BABY!) I wanted to leave you a quick comment about induction. I went through it. I was nerve-wracked over it, and it was A-OK. I know it’s not the scenario any woman wants, but I just wanted to send you some positive vibes and let you know that everything will work out, even if you have to be induced. I’ll cross my fingers and my toes for you that baby comes of its own accord. Also? I can’t wait to see if it’s a boy or a girl and the name you pick. :)
If I end up having to be induced, I might be asking you about yours! ;)
I remember that every-day-feels-like-three-days thing all too well. Come on, baby!
I loooove that picture! Good luck Ashley, can’t wait to “meet” your new little person!
OMG that picture is fabulous! I’m wishing labor to start soon for you – and be NOT PAINFUL AT ALL. (I mean, hey, if I’m wishing for stuff…)
Was thinking about you today as I went in for my 36 (might as well be 37 at this point) check up. My Little Miss shows no signs of impending arrival and I’m wondering if she’ll be a stubborn one…looking forward to hearing when Baby #2 makes his/her appearance :)
over due time? SLOWEST EVER IN THE HISTORY OF TIME. I said ALL THE CURSE WORDS. And you know me, you know I am a thankfully pregnant Mama. Anxiety (will she ever come out? Will J be able to take off another week to help? Is she stuck? Will I be induced? OMG now I can over think out much birth hurts!!! OMG OMG OMG — ) yeah that was me. all day every day for six days.
I’m so happy for your little family I can hardly stand it.
She was 6 days late? It’s crazy how 6 days sounds like a million years at this point. But I know when this baby is ready, it will come! It’s just hard to be patient when I’m also stressed about not having Mike home at all…Ahhh, baby!
You look fantastic! I hope Baby decides to come soon so Mike can be home with you! I was induced with Topher and it wasn’t too bad. Of course I much preferred labouring at home with Ellie, but being admitted early and having nurses at my beck and call for the duration of my labour wasn’t terrible either :) Those heated blankets helped me survive!
I think the whole being monitored constantly and being stuck in bed also would drive me crazy! But I’ll do it obviously if we get to that point!
Um, how do you manage to look so beautiful on your due date?! I didn’t make it even close but if I did I am sure I would have looked like an impatient mess, lol.
I hope that baby decides to come very soon, like today!
I do my make up and hair like once a week. The rest of the time, I walk around with a rat’s nest, underwear, and a tank top. HOT MESS. ;)
You are totally right!!!!! The end of pregnancy is truly how you slow down time!!! I feel the same…granted I still have 8 days left until this little one is “fully cooked” but I’m already feeling like time is just taking FOREVER!!! Can’t wait to meet your sweet baby (SOON)!!!
Fully cooked! Hope this baby emerges soon, healthy & adorable & with a name/ Thinking of you guys! xoxo
Since it’s already Monday, I hope the baby has come out yet! Love this last photo of the three of you. It’s precious and you’re glowing!