Crazy eyes over how round I’m getting.
How far along? 32 weeks.
How big is baby? Longer than 16 1/2 inches and almost 4 lbs.
Total weight gain: +20 lbs. Same as 2 weeks ago thanks to the Plague of Death and Much Illness, during which I lost 4 pounds (and then eventually gained 2 back).
Updates: The past week has been downright awful. I got hit with a stomach virus that left me violently ill for three days, sleeping on the bathroom floor and everything. I missed Easter entirely. Then! Gabe got it and it was disgusting. Then! I had a fever. Now, I have some sort of illness aftershock in the form of a cold or rhinitis of pregnancy (the fancy term for “cement nose for no reason other than the fact that there’s a fetus in you”). I am pretty miserable. The baby is still rolling and kicking away, so all is well there.
Anxious about: Just work stuff. And how guilty I feel about being miserable when I WANTED this. I WANTED to be pregnant. (Okay, but maybe I didn’t want to have such a difficult pregnancy. It’s so different from my first!)
Excited about: Feeling better! The next 8 weeks are going to seem easy after this past week, right? Right.
Feeling: I think we’ve covered this: in pain (upper back, lower back, pelvis, hips), tired, sick, congested. Guilty for feeling miserable. And then annoying and whiny for talking about being sick. I don’t enjoy when other people talk about being sick, and YET. I apparently cannot help myself. I’m sorry, world. So sorry.
Exercise: Does hunching over the toilet count?
Sleep: Not happening. I *did* get one 6 hour stretch the night after I was sick because I was so dehydrated that I didn’t have to get up to pee every 2 hours. Exciting!
Movement: The bright spot in my life right now is this little creature moving around inside of me. This I will miss. It’s still so amazing, even though it’s been 3-4 months of being able to feel daily movement, I’m not tired of it yet. (Though Mike did ask me, “Isn’t there supposed to be more of a barrier?!” when he felt just how close to the surface the baby’s little bony body is. My skin is stretched thin these days, you guys.)
Food cravings: Potatoes. Baked or home fries. Yum.
Weeks 31 + 32 with Gabe. (Makes me realize how much more polite strangers are being this time!)
I had a horrible stomach virus a week or so ago, and it SUCKED. I can’t imagine have it while also being 3rd trimester pregnant! Hope you’re getting some rest.
Noooooo. Stomach viruses when pregnant are the worst ever. I’m so sorry!
I’m looking forward to being able to breathe once the baby is born. That rhinitis of pregnancy is the worst. (Of course, now I have a cold, too, so if the baby is born before it’s gone I STILL won’t be able to breathe.)
Boo to stomach bugs! Glad you’re feeling better, and I love the pattern on your shirt!
You look wonderful! I wish I could take some of the crappy stuff happening away for you. What I love is despite the sickness and aches and pain you have a blooming positivity shining through. This too shall pass……love you all and can’t wait to see you soon! Marge
Does it weird you out that I breathe a huge sigh of relief when friends make it beyond the 31 weeks when Gavin was born? There’s a big PHEW going on over here.
Sorry to hear you’ve been sick, but so very glad to hear that all things pregnancy seem to be going well!
Being sick while pregnant is THE WORST. I’m glad you’re feeling (somewhat) better!
Being sick while pregnant is the WORST. So unfair!
I love your pregnancy updates! Sorry you are sick. We had a similar virus plague a group week here recently. Uggh!
Hope you are headed toward feeling better!
Oh man, I missed you getting a fever too! What the heck is going on? Honestly, I had a really sucky pregnancy too and I felt guilty the entire time because I knew that so many people would kill to be in my position but in that moment feeling that way just simply does not help. Even separated from it now, I still hate it. I have not forgotten how sucky it was, though it seems a lot more worth it now obviously. All I can say is, hopefully this baby is early like mine was? Not too early of course :) Or at least, I just hope you feel better!
SO SO glad you’re finally feeling better and that Gabe is too! Here’s hoping you can get some rest these next few nights!