I redid my blog design.
One thing led to another and suddenly I had a new layout and design and theme. I don’t know why I do this to myself, since it takes far too much time and makes me far too annoyed. I still have some tweaks to drive myself crazy with, but I like it!
I love my husband.
I snapped at Gabe today and yelled at him. I felt terrible, even though he laughed when I yelled. It was a rough morning – I was feeling like a lazy failure of a mom, and was having difficulty getting anything done. I texted my hubsand about it and he came home and sent me off to work. I could just marry him, he’s so wonderful. You know when you have a lot to do and you don’t get any of it done? Like, I’m doing other stuff, just not what I actually need to be doing. I’m feeling muddled.
Also, Mike woke up at 5am on Mother’s Day and made me this:
Right? (It’s tofu benedict, HOMEMADE glazed donuts, and waffles. With mimosas and coffee.)
For Father’s Day, I bought him a pair of swimming trunks, since he’s never owned a pair in the eight years I’ve known him. What can I say? I’m an overachiever in the gift-giving department. Clearly.
I cut my own hair.
I don’t really have much to say about this, other than I wanted to dye my hair and had a lot of split ends and one thing led to another, and suddenly:
My hair is long and wavy, so it’s not actually a big deal. It’s mostly even. I think.

Flash isn’t scary.
I’ve been getting more comfortable with my speedlite flash – which means super-backlit situations can suddenly be seen. I’m currently obsessed with this one.
We stopped using our dishwasher.
It wastes a ton of water, so we just stopped using it a month ago. It really hasn’t been a big deal, surprisingly. It’s actually simplified things – we use the same dishes over and over instead of using every single dish in our cabinet.
Mason jars are the new Tupperware.
That egg one might be taking it too far.
Project 333 is the bomb.
No, really. I need to write more about it, but I’m absolutely loving it and will never go back. (What is Project 333? The original post is here.)
Plus, Gabe is still styling, even with less wardrobe choices:
I have a new to do list obsession.
This is hanging over my desk – the physical act of taking a note off and throwing it away when I’m done feels awesome. I update it each week – it’s just enough to been challenging without overwhelming me. And it’s super motivating to always look up and see what I should be doing. Which is important when you’re working from home with a toddler, amiright?
I love the new design! Are you still using Ataluapha? If not, what theme?
When I had a dishwasher I used it for a drying rack, which worked out nicely. I would wash my very few dishes by hand and then throw them in the DW to get them off the counter. Brilliant.
I love the new design! And the new haircut. You did a good job cutting it yourself! I would probably have a reverse mullet if I attempted that :)
Okay, you are super organized and it is making me envious! (As I sit here close to 2 still in my jammies with a kitty half on my lap and my lap top on the rest of it!) I totally want to steal the sticky note idea! It might force me to get school assignments done sooner!
Love the new layout!!! I am always saying how I want to be more organized, but it just never seems to happen. Part of me feels that I am not that busy to use your awesome board.
OMG. Gabe. Bathrobe. Flip Flips.
That is all.
(Oh, no, I much prefer this new layout!)
That Mother’s Day breakfast looks AMAZING. Your husband is a keeper.
Also, how cute is Gabe in his shorts and flipflops!? <3
That looks like a DELICIOUS Mother’s Day. Also, toddler flip-flops? DYING.
I love that to-do list idea – I might have to add something like that to the clutter that’s already covering our fridge! Gabe is adorable – he looks so grown up in his shorts and flipflops! Topher can’t seem to get the hang of flipflops yet – he’s still obsessed with crocs. Ugh. Oh, and I love the new look :)
Wait — really on the dishwasher?? I’ve always thought that dishwashers are (usually) more efficient than hand washing, so I’ve been using mine pretty regularly….Am I wrong? Please share!
(I am also a weirdo who likes washing dishes and dislikes the dishwasher, so maybe I’m just looking for excuses.)
My environmental science professor said that if you always run it when it’s full, a dishwasher is more efficient than hand washing. I would think you’d have to factor in how often you do dishes, though…?
Our apartment doesn’t have a dishwasher, and we actually LOVE it. My mom was all, “You have to move!” but we prefer hand washing. I think the dishes get cleaner because we clean them ourselves. And we only own enough dishes for each person to have one at a time (mostly) so it doesn’t give us a chance to have dishes pile up (minimalism is the best ever). And we don’t use a ton of water (two sinkfuls of water do all of our dishes for the day), so I think we’re being pretty responsible about it.
Okay, I looked it up: http://www.treehugger.com/kitchen-design/built-in-dishwashers-vs-hand-washing-which-is-greener.html
Hey, thanks for the article. Good to know! Seems like it can vary, so I feel okay with what I’m doing :)
Interesting! Our dishwasher uses SO MUCH water – runs for an hour straight. I would end up spending time and water rinsing before, so for us, it’s definitely less effective than just washing by hand.
I loved the old layout but this one is even better! Also, I have a love of mason jars too. I bring them to whole foods and fill them up with fresh peanut butter, spices, and everything I else I could need.
I’m obsessed with using mason jars for everything. They’re the best. Also, Gabe is the cutest.
oh the new design is lovely, i seriously wish i could just up and change my design on a whim, haha.
also, gabe’s hair is so light! and he’s such a little boy now, it’s so crazy. but man he still cute as ever. also matt bought a ton of mason jars for a project and i’ve had to restrain from using them for everything in our place, haha.
You rock, That’s all I need to say :)
YES! Mason jars are the new Tupperware! haha… I love mason jars for just about EVERYTHING that needs a home! :)
love the new blog design – clean and fresh! and adorable photos of gave!! need the donut recipe too!!
That mothers day breakfast looks INCREDIBLE! :)
I love this post-it idea!!!! I write so many notes. And have a notebook too. But I need to hold myself accountable for when I’m just staring at the blank wall…