First, let me apologize for my Kristen Bell sloth moment – with more laughter and less tears. About chores. I…have no excuses for myself. It’s like that time in seventh grade during a group presentation in English class that laughed so hard about nothing and peed my pants. Except I totally didn’t pee my pants this time.
This is getting weird, isn’t it?
Mike and I have done video blogs twice, and it’s sort of fun for me to share my husband with you. I like him. And I like you. So I like when you get to meet him.
(If six seconds is more your cup of tea, check out Gabe’s hilarious trick:)
(How does he learn this stuff?!)
You two are adorable. I love how Mike stays so serious when you’re a bundle of giggles. My house is kind of like that, too.
I always feel triumphant when I get him to laugh. I am a goofball.
Uh. Mike and TJ are so alike. TJ hates when I want to eat or snack in bed. He says I get crumbs everywhere (I do not!)And you are SO giggly… haha I started laughing..
We should have married each other, Megan. We could just eat in bed all the time! ;)
HA. And watch movies/shows that we like that they cannot stand. Oh and TJ and I *may* have watched the Gabe video like ten times… maybe eleven.. He is hilarious.
I love your laugh! Just watching you giggle made me start laughing. But I do have to say that eating in bed = crumbs = yuck.
I won’t tell Mike that someone agrees with him. ;)
Hahaha I love both of these. You are the cutest little family ever!
Hahaha – that was so fun to watch! You guys are adorable ;)
I’m glad at least one person enjoyed watching our craziness! ;)
This has made me SO EXCITED to see you in a few weeks!
YAY! :) :)
Oh my gosh, so funny – this reminds me of Ben and me! I’ll be cracking up and he’s just like “um, what’s wrong with you?” Great video!
You guys are hilarious :)
Ash, you are such a goose! haha This video was too funny & you are the cutest! OK, and now I just watched Gabe’s trick — very impressive! :)
Ummm i think Pete and I make the bed like once a year on christmas. Thats our christmas present to the bed. Also the biggest debate in my marriage is how pete skirts the rules in Words with Friends. Seriously. He is a massive words with friends cheater. We even had to have a conversation about how we might have to stop playing with each other because its becoming our only problem in our marriage. sad. i know. also more mike on the blog.