I’m exhausted. I didn’t get enough sleep last night and my eyelids are heavy.
Gabe goes down for a nap, and while I’m nursing him in his dark, quiet room, I nearly fall asleep.
After I plop him in his crib, I indulge my sleepiness and dive into the pile of blankets and pillows on our unmade bed. I burrow my face in a pillow and gather the comforter in my arms to snuggle as I fall asleep.
Sweet, blissful sleep.
After what is probably thirty minutes, but feels like two hours, of sleep, I begin to stir.
I drift in and out of sleep, vaguely feeling like I should wake up, but also feeling like a truck has hit me and my limbs are so heavy, I surely can’t lift them and get out of bed. I will myself to move, but just lie there for 15 minutes.
Finally, I drag myself out of bed, bleary-eyed and with a pillow-crease on my cheek. I walk out to the living room and flop into our fluffy, smooshy recliner. I lay my head down on the arm rest, still not really awake.
I feel like crap, and I am more tired than before I took a nap. I just feel guilty for wasting Gabe’s naptime.
Now I remember. This is why I don’t nap.
I HATE when I nap for a bit & have trouble waking up like that. It’s that feeling where you REALLY want to get up and be productive but your body has entirely different ideas in mind and you are like paralyzed with the idea of sleep. Hopefully you start getting some good long nights’ sleep very soon so you can be back to no-napping soon!!
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who feels this way!
I am exactly the same way with naps. And then, it seems that no matter how tired I STILL am when I get up from one, I have an absolutely awful time falling asleep at night. Ugh, sleeping stresses me out!
I love sleep…but not naps. It seems like a good idea until I wake up…
If I “nap” while Topher is napping – I go to bed when he does and don’t drag myself out of bed until I hear him having a dance party in his crib, yelling “MAMA!” at the top of his lungs. And even a two hour nap usually isn’t long enough …
I cannot nap. It’s never restful- fitfull, dozing, and it ends with me feeling way worse. Unless I’m sick, I don’t even bother. I just try to get through the day and go to bed early (which… doesn’t usually happen either. heh)
Pregnancy was the only time I napped. And I still struggled with feeling guilty for wasting time!
That was me yesterday…
I’m terrified of napping because as soon as I get to sleep, the kid wakes up screaming for boob. I can do nothing but whimper and entreat my master to let me sleep for twenty minutes. He never wants to oblige…and I usually have laundry to do anyway. LOL
Haha. The master wants the boob. Oh yes.
Lady, I am the SAME WAY with naps. I am just fine if I get a good two hours in, but any less of a nap and I’ll wake up hating the world. I think that’s why I fought so hard when everyone told me “Sleep when the baby sleeps!” when Eisley was a newborn. It sounded good in theory, but most of the time, napping while she napped didn’t work out well unless she slept for a long, long time.
And I know what you mean about “wasting” naptime. If I sleep while Eisley sleeps these days, I feel like I’ve wasted golden time. Heehee.