After your awesome advice last week, I went out last weekend armed with my rules and ideas ready to spend some money.
I have lots of pictures, so have a look at the START of my new wardrobe. I still have to get some more cardigans (I only have TWO, and you guys really talked cardigans and jackets up. However, finding those in the summer seems to be difficult.) and skirts. Maybe a few more pairs of shoes, as well.
I got lots of neutral shirts to go with some dress pants. Score.

Something essentials tank with pleated front $4.99
Urban Outfitters top $7
Ann Taylor Loft (boring!) tshirt $3.99
Accessories can make an outfit. I have never been much of a shopaholic, so accessories are something I’m sorely lacking. I tried to make a small dent in this problem.
Behold, jewelry:
Earrings $5.99 or less
Ann Taylor Loft headband $1.99
Necklace $2.50
Note to self: Lips appear to blend into face. Maybe next up: find a lipstick. Or something to color my lips more than my Trader Joe’s chapstick.
Ann Taylor Loft tights $3.99 and 50 CENTS (!)
These are for you, Steph. I hope I did your awesome fashion sense justice with my purchases. :)
Ann Taylor heels for $24.99.
My new shoes! I love the shoes on the left: $6.99 and they’re COMFORTABLE. (And shorter heels, very doable!)
Look who’s professional now.
Made turtleneck $9.99. Is it a short dress or a long shirt? I should have figured that out before I bought it, huh?

I wore a maroon/red cardigan (and my black rimmed glasses) to work with this. A little less-boring-that-normal work attire… I think I need a skinny belt! (I’d never have expected these words to escape my mouth.)

Look! No hems dragging here!
Living simply and trying to lessen my impact on the environment: is this a contradiction to my recent shopping trip? Am I an awful hypocrite?
Part of me is filled with eco-guilt: I should have gone to Goodwill. I should have shopped ebay. I should have bought . The other part of me feels like 1) I have a job that requires professional clothing, 2) I’m going to wear these clothes a LONG time, and 3) We have little money. Very little. We already spend more than average on food, because we really value GOOD food (and supporting local restaurants! Yum!). So, as a social worker/grad student and a community service coordinator (read: measly pay), we have to choose our battles. And sometimes, that means buying affordable clothing. Right?
Wow you made some great choices here. All neutral stuff that you can mix and match easily with pieces you add later.
I know you feel guilty but don’t. You have great things that you like and got at a deal. It’s a good base to build on.
Very cute clothes! I loooove the headband! I’d say the shopping trip was a success!
uhm, you did FABULOUS.
i obviously love the chunky necklace, it is gorgeous.
and the purple tights? you are going to ROCK them. mmhmm, dooce just wore a pair at blogher eh? (clearly i know this through pictures, not actually seeing her, but i thought she looked fantastic).
have fun rocking your new wardrobe!!
DUDE! How the heck did you get such good deals?! You’re the best bargain shopper EVER! I love all the stuff you picked out! Cute and it works for work! I really like the shoes! I know the black ones are Anne Taylor (right)? but where are the other ones from? Oh man, you’re so good! I love clothes but I really hate shopping, as in searching for good deals and such. Love the headband and the chunky necklace! And tights are great too! I’m jealous of all of your great finds! Don’t feel bad — you didn’t waste $ and like you said – you will use these things for a long time.
Okay you rock and are so adorable! I LOVE the shoes you chose, and agree with you on your favorites. That green shirt and skirt knocked my socks off (well I took them off thirty minutes ago after my run.. but still)
You have given me a new desire to bargain shop because you clearly rock at it.
I do understand your dilemma with being eco friendly and being fashionable. But I think there is a point where clothes shopping ventures into excess. Or when you just shop because you are bored. But since you are shopping with specific goals in mind I think it is definitely acceptable. If we could all afford to dress in organic cotton we would, but it is definitely expensive. Maybe that can be a goal for when you have the means for it.
Yeah!! Great selection of cute womens dresses with lovely colors…
Seriously, where did you go shopping? Those prices are AMAZING. As are the outfits, nice job!
I am SO excited for you! Great stuff! I have a few of the same pieces that you bought from Ann Taylor Loft….the sales there are amazing!
BTW, you look great and don’t feel guilty at all! You can take some of your old clothes that you don’t wear and donate them to Goodwill.
You look awesome and did a wonderful job bargain hunting! You don’t always have to go Goodwill to go ‘green.’ Thanks for sharing!!
don’t feel guilty!!! it’s not like you’re doing this every week. you deserve it!! and you got great deals!!
LOVE that chunky turquoise necklace and that green shirt/skirt outfit!
CUTE!!! Love it all. You’re adorable. And my goodness, after spending less than $5 for tops I would say LOSE THE GUILT. Yeesh. I love that necklace, but I don’t think I could pull it off. I’m always afraid of drawing attention to the, uh, amount of boobage. Sigh.
i love it all. you did a great job…can you take me shopping?! and don’t feel guilty about it, you did a great job getting practical, affordable, cute things!
Not only do I love those clothes but those prices are AMAZING
All cute stuff! I second, third, fourth all outfits and your amazing bargain shopping skills.
Shopping. I’m so jealous. You’re adorable. :)
everything is adorable! makes me want to go shopping AND clean out my closet.
love love love the clothes you picked.. the shoes, the jewelry.. you did an awesome job shopping…
You scored some serious stuff! (Did you get the shopping gene that skipped over me and went right to my sister???)
If you’re on the fence about lipstick and want to step up from chapstick, the Burt’s Bees lip balm with the pink cap (pomegranate) adds a little color. And tastes good. :)
okay, yes, i get the guilt. but still? i LOVED reading this. i LOVE reading about people’s wardrobes and clothes and shoes and accessories. have you heard of “the working closet”? it’s a flickr group where people post what they wear to work each day. i’m thinking of joining now that i’m going back to teaching, where i can wear cute professional clothes again. (as opposed to when i was a nanny, and all i wore were sweats and t-shirts.) you should join! :)
Okay, LOVING the bargain shopping! You found some awesome things — I’m totally inspired to go out and buy some tights and that blue necklace (SO cute).
those two outfits that you are wearing are adorable! love them!
Ashley- i love the 2nd outfit. really cute!
You look so adorable! And yay for tights and accessories :)
Also, I love that white shirt in the second picture. It looks so simple and comfortable, but still so adorable! Well done :)
Hello! I just stumbled across your blog (linked from another blog) and I just wanted to say hi and that I really enjoyed this post. Will definitely be back :)
I really adore the shirt in the second photo down on the right. You got some great pieces. I’m going to have to do a lot of clothes shopping once I graduate next May and start working again.
You look fantastic and got amazing deals! Going with classics is a great way to be eco-friendly. I can’t see any of those clothes going out of style. And if they do, I’m sure you’ll pass them on to Goodwill.
You are so cute! I love the grey pants outfit!
You’re SO cute! And the new clothes are fabulous! Now, if I only lived closer, I could raid your closet…
Nice work, lady!
You deserve a little something something every now and then. I always suffer an amazing amount of post shopping guilt as well. Try to work through it, for the love of all things womanly! ;)
You look great!! love everything you got, and at such great prices! :) Don’t feel the guilt – you needed these, and now you’ll be happy every time you get dressed for work, and that in itself is priceless ;)
i am in shock of your freakin FANTASTIC deals and also how CUTE of stuff you found!!
First of all, i am in LOVE with that headband and then there are all those drool worthy shoes…dude, i am SO envious right now.
You are going to be looking SO hot lady!
um, lets go shopping together?!
all of your pictures are so fun, you look so fab!
I don’t know how I found your blog, but I started reading right around the time you moved and I really like it. How cute are you in all your new clothes!
Heather @
Love (!!!!!!) These outfits! They all look great.
I love it all!!! I totally understand the eco-guilt thing too, and the small budget issue as well. Don’t feel bad at all, you did very well! This is very inspiring! As much as I hate to admit it, I think I am ready for a little wardrobe enhancement action myself. :)
Love love love the clothes! I’m certainly a fan of the turquoise necklace. I live for those little “punches” of color.
Secondly, I’m envious of your ability to pull of the headband phenomenon. I bought three different ones, and still look like a goober no matter what I do.
GREAT choices!!!! woohoo!!
you look awesome!
also, now that i am back and (almost) settled we must reschedule dinner. gchat at me tomorrow : )