I have a little news to share.
I have felt like crap for most of 2016.
But for a good reason.
I am having a baby.
Yes! A third child! Me! (And, you know, that guy I married).
And the best part? I didn’t have to endure any more losses to get to this point.
(The second best part is that I didn’t realize I was pregnant for several weeks, which meant far less anxiety than the last time I was pregnant. When I found out, like, 4 days before my period was even due.)
Everything has been going really well. I’m just a out 15 weeks pregnant, I listen to the baby’s heartbeat first thing every morning before getting out of bed, and I haven’t thrown up in a whole week! I’m feeling the baby move a little already, too, which is pretty amazing.
So. That’s happening.
Theo, who still seems like a baby, is going to be a big brother! And a middle child!
(The very first thing my new midwife asked me was, “Were you trying for a girl??” I’m guessing I’m going to get a lot of that. So the first person to say, “I hope it’s a girl!” gets a little stink eye. Fair warning.) (Not because I don’t like girls! But because I feel like it’s dismissive of my wonderful little boys.)
The baby is due two days after Gabe’s birthday. We feel excited but not terribly overwhelmed by the idea of adding another little one to our family. Mostly because Gabe is more like a third parent than a child.
We ARE a little overwhelmed by the logistics of our lease ending three days before this baby is due, so please standby for some handwringing. And minimal gushing about how very grateful I feel. And a litte shocked.
New baby! Three kids! Aii!
Wow, congratulations! Best wishes for you and your growing family.
Congrats!! How exciting!
Thanks so much!
Yay, congrats! I have three, it’s wonderful.
:) That’s great to hear!
Yay!!!! Congratulations! I’m so glad everything is going smoothly, if a little barfy :)
And, hey!! I just heard your name on Sorta Awesome :)
Yes! I was so excited they took my question. :)
Ashley! I’m so happy for you! Congratulations!
Thank you!! :)
All of the happy for you! Can’t wait to see Theo as a big brother and Gabe as parent 3.0. So much love for you guys, weee!
Theo as a big brother makes me laugh and cringe at the same time! He seems SO young!
Congrats!!! How exciting!
Thank you! :) We’re excited.
How exciting! Congratulations!
Thanks, Sarah!
Congratulations Ashley! Many prayers on a healthy pregnancy (and that you are over the vomit hump).
Amen, let’s hope! (I only threw up once since writing this – a good sign, right??)
Congratulations!!! Wonderful news :)
YAY congrats! Eee I am so excited for you! And for this baby, who is getting such an awesome family!
Many congratulations!
Thank you!
How exciting!! Congratulations!
Wow so exciting!! Yay babies!
Yay indeed! :)
oh ashley congrats!!!! hooray for you guys!!!! 3 is a lovely number, and three boys would be the bees knees b/c have you seen your boys?? so happy and excited for you guys :D
I’m really excited about the idea of 3 boys. :)
Oh my goodness, congratulations! Wishing you an easy pregnancy & a healthy baby!
Thank you, Kate!
Ahhhh! Yes! Congratulations!! This baby already has the best big brothers!!
Well, Theo is TBD as a good big brother, but he has Gabe as an example, so that’s gotta help, right?? ;)
Congratulations! That’s so exciting. :)
Thanks, Lacey!
Such wonderful news. Congratulations!
Thank you, Mandy!
Oh, congratulations! Now you really do need a woven wrap!! ;)
This is wonderful news, Ashley! Congratulations to you and your family!
Thanks, Stefanie! :)
Ahhh!! Three is definitely a magic number! Congrats!! Now can you please move to MN and be my neighbor so we can be real life friends and I have two girls that can marry your boys and regardless of what baby#3 is, I have a boy we can match him up with for marrying or BFFs (or both?!) Yay!! I am so excited for you!!
Three cheers for baby #3! Congratulations to all of you!
Thank you, Stevie!
Wow you guys are amazing!! I can’t even gear up for number two and you are like bam lets go for three! I’m so glad this pregnancy has included less anxiety and you aren’t feeling overwhelmed :)
Awww congratulations! I’m so happy for y’all!
Congratulations!!! My oldest is like a third parent too – he totally pretends to babysit his little sister every chance he gets. I love it :)
It’s so useful to have a helpful oldest child!
Congratulations!! After my husband and I had 2 boys, I didn’t want to have a 3rd unless I felt I’d be happy with having another boy. Simply wanting a girl isn’t a good reason to have a baby! So you go right ahead and give anyone who asks if you’re trying for a girl a big ol’ stink eye!
Exactly! I would never want to bring a child into the world just because I want it to be a certain gender – totally not fair to the baby! :)
I saw this on Twitter and my jaw dropped when I saw the link. SO EXCITED FOR YOU! Three kids is such an awesome number, and your new little one will be so lucky to have such incredible older brothers. Can’t wait to follow this new adventure, sweet friend. Hugs to you and your sweet family!
Thanks, Kerri! We feel so incredibly lucky and excited to embark on this (crazy?) new adventure! :)
Yay, yay, YAY! We had our third just 8 months ago and having 3 is all kinds of awesome! We got similar comments as we had 2 girls, if it was another girl we would have been just fine with that! Much to our surprise, baby turned out to be a BOY! That we were not expecting!
Congrats, I’m beyond excited for your growing family!
Totally! My parents had 4 girls then a boy, so I can only imagine the comments they got! Ha. (And my grandma had SEVEN GIRLS before her son. !!)
Oh my goodness!!! What happy news! I am thrilled for you. xoxox
Thank you, friend. :)
How wonderful! We moved into our new house 36 hours before I went into labor (the baby was three weeks early so a big surprise!) and it was a little bit crazy but it all worked out. Sending good thoughts your way!
Wow, that would be a surprise! Glad it worked out – I keep telling myself there are worse, more stressful things! :)
Congratulations! Yay for the third baby! I can truly feel your joy and excitement.
How wonderful! Best wishes to your growing family!
Thanks! :)
ASHLEY!! OMG I AM ALL !!!!!!!!! lol :) SO, SO overjoyed for you, Mike, & your family. Wishing you a smooth second half of this pregnancy, a healthy 3rd baby, and of course lots of love to big brothers Gabe & Theo. :) xoxo
Thanks, Melissa!! :) We’re so excited! (And overwhelmed, but MOSTLY excited.)
Congrats! We ended up with a girl for our third but until she was born I was convinced she was a boy. Congrats again! I’m glad things are going better this time around.
I’m like…99% sure I’m going to have 3 boys! Ha. My family seems to ALL have single gender families – which is kinda fun in its own way. :) But we shall see!
Yay, yay, yay! So excited for you and your family, Ashley! What do they say? JUST DO IT. I know you’ll be wonderful parents of three!