Although we seem to have a pretty good method for keeping our living areas clean and clutter-free most days, I have a confession: most of my closets are shoved full and cluttered.
They were clean this spring after the great decluttering service from Ready Set Maids, but I’m learning that the decluttering is never done. The clutter slowly creeps back until one day you open your linen closet door and are SHOCKED to see piles of stuff you don’t even use crammed in there. With Long Island Maid Service, you will always get what you pay for. Opting for the cheapest option will almost always get you in trouble. You should instead look for the best company that has the most affordable prices.
The Situation
The problem with clutter, even behind closed doors, is that it makes it harder to find the things I actually want to use. This means I am housing a bunch of stuff I don’t even touch, which is silly. We usually keep stuff we don’t actually use for one or more of the following reasons:
- We don’t even realize we have it.
- We might want to use it someday.
- We got it as a gift and feel guilty getting rid of it.
- It has sentimental value.
Let’s address these reasons.
The first reason can be solved by simply taking a few hours at a time to go through a closet, a cupboard, a room, or a particularly messy area in your house, I typically hire the apartment cleaning Chicago company for this. The cleaning damage of water, if not done immediately, may cause permanent structural damage and/or a serious mold problem. Mold and bacteria will start to grow very rapidly with standing water or water damage. Damage of water happens in a home or business can be very disruptive not only food but also very expensive. Although time is of the essence, you need to ensure that work is well done.Water, sanitation damage things return to normal. If you’re insurance cover is another story. I encourage everyone to review their own home (and business) annual insurance.
Water damage repairs can address a number of risks. There are several kinds of damage caused by water. The first level is due to clear water. It could be broken pipes or water spots. The second level is caused by gray water that could be filled with contaminants.
It could be sewage water, or failure of water dependent devices to discharge the water out. Lastly, there is damage caused by black water that could be caused by catastrophic events and could be difficult to fix.
Water damage repairs are necessary to ensure that the structure of the house is safeguarded and protected from deterioration. As we all know, Water damage is a big concern for many homeowners. It is a form of loss that results from the intrusion of water across specific areas or an entire level of the property. The damage can be minor and progressive and it could also be catastrophic with instant results. Here is a available at Smart Dry Restoration`s website.
The damage is a big contributor to the loss of property value. Flooding, rainfall and stagnant water can result to a number of risks like the weakening of the soil foundation, damage to home interiors, electrical devices, rotting and others. Any homeowner should aim to minimize the risks and prevent future damage. This is critical to keep the home safe and maintain its market value.
Many policies do not cover flood or water damage. You may need an additional policy. Mold can cause serious health issues if not handled and treated correctly, which is why it’s so important to rent knowledgeable. we’ve been the trusted source for mold removal and mold remediation services within the greater Chicago area for quite 25 years! we provide commercial & residential solutions for mold problems thanks to water damage and even have emergency services. Here you can find more about CleanUP Guys – mold remediation in Illinois. Water Damages Cleanup can be tricky. You can do general maintenance and light with a solution of bleach and water. If you have any serious damage it is preferable to use professional company water damage. They have the tools and knowledge to properly clean up and to restore.
e it. As a layperson, you are sure to get confused and overwhelmed if your house get intruded by unwanted water. There are fixed norms and methods for water removal that are not known to someone without professional qualification and skills. There are several reliable water damage services all across USA to rid you of the harassments and destruction caused by water intrusion. Let us discuss the various steps through which these services work:
First and foremost, the professional companies work 24 hours and 365 days a year. You can call them anytime and anywhere, in case of an emergency. Once you contact them, they are sure to reach you within hours, thereby initiating the task of mold repair as fast as possible. Once the technicians reach your place, they carry out a thorough inspection of the site in order to detect the extents of mold remediation that has been caused to your properties. They have machineries like moisture detectors, hygrometers etc. to identify the accurate water damage levels.
This helps to decide on the methods that would be required for proper restoration of your house. Moreover, they also use equipment like infrared camera to locate water damage even in hidden corners. There are certain parts of your house that you might overlook as a layperson. But expert technicians know the methods of detecting every portion and object inside your premises that has been affected by water intrusion.
The next step is to remove the unwanted water. Mold remediation services are equipped with powerful gas-driven pumps that are capable of extracting large amounts of water quickly and meticulously. These gas pumps are portable and can be carried with ease to any place.
The second is usually not a good reason – if you haven’t used it for a year, you likely don’t need to hold on to it. Sometimes the cost of keeping something outweighs the cost of replacing it when the time comes. Perhaps an exception to this is maternity clothes and baby gear if you think you’re not done having children. (But even though I’d like to have more kids eventually, I still took a carload of baby extras to Goodwill this fall – stuff like baby clothes I never liked, an extra swing, and more crib mattress sheets than we’ll ever need.)
The third reason is a tough one to tackle. However, I’ve realized that if the tables were turned and I had gifted someone an ill-fitting dress or earrings that were not their style, I’d want them to get rid of the gift instead of letting it clutter up their house. I think we all want to give useful, pretty things – and if it’s not working for you, don’t feel guilty – just get rid of it! Plus, it might be callous, but the person will likely never know I got rid of it.
The fourth reason is another tough one. Memories and sentimental trappings certainly have their place in our homes and hearts. However, that doesn’t mean we need to keep every card, note, photo, and souvenir since kindergarten. The amount of sentimental stuff we choose to keep is different for each person, and might vary at different times in our life.
Going Forward
Each Monday and Wednesday for the month of January, I’m going to tackle a messy, cluttered closet and show you the before, the after, and what I got rid of and why. Play along with me and let me know your results in the comments!
This Week | Linen Closet
I’m going to start small with a closet that doesn’t need too much work. Since it won’t take long, I’ll get the satisfying sense of decluttering that will motivate me for future, messier closets.
Uh, no photo. I sort of forgot to take one. Just imagine a closet with too much stuff in it.
The Casualties [What I Got Rid Of]
Towels: We only need one towel per family member plus a few extra for guests. Not a thousand wash cloths.
Bed sheets: We probably only need one set per bed, including Gabe’s crib, but I saved two. How many sheets can you use at one time?
Blankets: You already saw how many we have. We don’t need more.
Yep. That was gratifying and spurred a few other closet clean outs in one day! It took less than an hour. Plus, it was a rather small project, so I could do Gabe was awake.
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Join me Wednesday to tackle another closet! And let me know if you decide to play along. I’m quite a decluttering enthusiast. (Mostly because I’m the laziest cleaner ever…and getting rid of stuff is easier than cleaning it.)
Ooh, I love watching people declutter their homes! haha It’s a sickness. I’m moving in a week, so I’ve been doing some serious purging of belongings. This is good inspiration for organizing my new closets!
Love this series! I’m still working on finishing The Joy of Less, but this might inspire a linen closet post from me soon! We finally have a linen closet in our apartment (after 4 years of not having one), and like you said, it’s jammed full of stuff, half of which we don’t use!
That’s a great idea for tackling the clutter! I started the process myself when putting away Christmas decorations. We have to downsize for our move to Germany, and decide what’s coming with us and what will go into storage. It’s incredibly daunting, and very difficult to part with things, but it also feels great to conquer the onslaught of STUFF. I like your idea of doing one closet per weekend–makes it a bit more manageable!
We have 2 sets sheets for all three kids but for master bed, just one set. I’m with you– how many sets can you use? I find it so much easier to deal with one set because then there’s never any folding…just wash, dry, and put right back on the bed!
Love this! Nathan & I have been hardcore into decluttering, especially while he has TWO MONTHS off of work, so he’s been tackling things like the space under the kitchen sink – shudder! We’ve already taken four bags to Goodwill. Amazing that, in our tiny apartment, we even had room for all that stuff!
I’ve been working feverishly at cleaning out and organizing our home. We live in a very modest 3 bedroom, 2 bath home and have a family of 7. Our baby is due in March, and I’m SURE that we can continue to make this home work for us. I refuse to upgrade! With some organization and purging we will make this home work for us! So yes, I’m right along side you, although I’m not taking the time to document it on my blog…I may do one big post at the “end” showing all our new organization methods! :0)
Wow! ONE towel? ONE set of sheets? What happens if a little one has an upset tummy in the middle of the night? Of you don’t have enough laundry for a load? I can’t live on the edge like that :) I also use towels for lots otf stuff – cleaning up big messes, putting them on the car seats after a snowshoeing trip, etc. I DO love having organized closests though!
OH, I sooo need to do this! Our linen closet is quick, cram something in there and shut the door before it falls out. I really just need to make a trip to Goodwill.
My closet is actually in Gavin’s room. Sweets and I did some rearranging, so I can share some of his closet in my room (and interrupt Gavin’s sleep a little less frequently). Just last night, I went into my closet and my first thought was, this is a reorganizing/purging project I must take on! I completely agree that if you haven’t used something in a year, get rid of it!
Also, I once heard a great way to keep track of children’s art without holding onto every single creation is to take a digital photo of it before throwing it out. That way, you can put together an online album of art. I think the same can hold true for other sentimental items you don’t want to forget – take a photo before getting rid of them!
de-cluttering seriously makes me feel so much better. and donating stuff to goodwill is just refreshing. i try to sort through everything fairly often so it doesn’t overwhelm me, haha.
When I was off before the new year, I went through my closet & dresser, my bathroom, the guest bathroom, and all my jewelry.
I still need to pack up LG’s wee baby clothes and send them off to Chris’s brother, whose fiancee is expecting a lady baby in May and I thought that was it…Until you inspired me to do the linen closet! I should tackle that this weekend. Also, and this is not a fun one…I need to through all our house-buying forms, decide what we actually need to keep, and take the rest to work for shredding.
I was literally just thinking yesterday that I need to go through each cabinet and declutter. I love your guidelines. I’ll definitely be using them!
Good for you for cutting down on clutter! Just … keep all the crib sheets you have. One day the stomach flu will come to your house. And extras will come in handy. EEP!
I cannot properly describe the joy that I feel when it comes organizing a closet. I just finished reading Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin and she actually talks about how cleaning out a closet contributed largely to her own happiness.
Oh, only one bed sheet per bed? Wow! THAT would not work out in my house. My kids are masters in wetting the bed all the time :(