My life is INSANELY blessed at this moment in time, I will not bore you with another happy post. Instead, a few responses to you:
On the $12 Outfit: I’m totally excited that I’m not the only one with an affinity for bargains. There were snooty girls at my high school who were the type to know whether someone was wearing last season clothes (from American Eagle or Abercrombie, of course – quintessential high school brands). They were not my friends. You girls TOTALLY are.
On the Silly Picture: You know we were being sarcastic, right? The little kids had their pictures taken on the swings, so, naturally, I forced Mike into doing a photo shoot with me. Making fun of ourselves, we took a totally cheese picture. Which is my favorite, because I’m a huge dork. (See serious ones here and here – that first one might just beat our former pick for a Christmas card picture…)
On the Job Situation: I have a job offer and I love the job. I also am interviewing for an equally, if not more, awesome job. I need to accept or decline the first job offer by Monday. I have my second interview for the second job on Monday.
I have no idea what to do. Any advice for juggling job offers? Better to have one in the basket than two in the bushel and all that?
…Okay, just one happy piece!
On Free Things:
I’ve gotten my fair share of some wonderful goodies from the internet – an amazing candle, some Coffee Bean gift cards, a Starbucks Gold Card, and now:

All you’re missing is copious amount of seagulls pooping and me in my baggy jeans, wet hair, and make-up-less face. (What? I had just gotten out of the shower and the game started five minutes after we got the tickets! Don’t judge me.) Oh, and lots of shoveling junk food in my face.
I believe it went something like this: “It’s free! Let’s spend $5 on french fries! And $12 on cotton candy! Woohoo baseball games!”

Good times.
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