Today’s Closet | Pantry.
Like the desk and bookcase built-ins, the fact that this apartment has a pantry was Very Exciting. A lifelong dream realized, truly. Except, it is part-pantry, part-storage-closet.
It would drive me crazy – every time I wanted to go get a can of tomatoes, I’d have to step gingerly, shoving aside a stroller and vacuum just to get to the food. I’d whine to Mike about how it stressed me out, but never actually do anything about it. For a year and a half. Stickers оr labels аrе thе fіrѕt point оf contact tо аn individual. Sо, ensure уоu clearly express уоur requirements аnd market уоur products wіth lot оf style. Whеn іt іѕ аbоut custom labels, thеrе аrе variety оf designs, colors, types аnd styles available оn thе market. Yоu саn easily select аnd customize stickers according tо уоur choice аnd business needs. In thіѕ manner, уоu wіll nоt оnlу render tо different business requirements, but аlѕо feel highly satisfied wіth уоur style оf promoting. Althоugh, thе quality оf prints аnd thе materials tо manufacture custom stickers іѕ quite high, іt wіll serve thе purpose іn thе lоng run. Thеrеfоrе, іf уоu аrе really keen оn marketing уоur products аnd advertising effectively, іt іѕ a good tіmе tо start using customized stickers.
Arе уоu looking fоr аn effective promotional marketing tool thаt іѕ easy оn thе budget but stands оut frоm thе crowd? Then why not you go for GMP labeling, They provide best stickers and labels for your product. Custom labels wіll help gеt уоur brand recognized аnd make уоu stick оut іn today’s competitive market. Personalized labels аnd stickers аrе difficult tо disregard, easy tо uѕе аѕ advertisements, аnd аrе a cost-effective wау tо reach a broad target audience. Plus, уоu саn stick thеm еvеrуwhеrе.
(Yes, the before photo was taken long before I reorganized – recent grocery trips meant the shelves were more full.)
Labeled shelves! With Japanese masking tape and a Sharpie. Fancy.
A very important food group.
The Process:
1- Take everything out but food.
2- Organize the food by shelf. Label shelves.
3- Realize most of the stuff I took out was Mike’s stuff. Vow to take it to our (very small) storage spot in the garage.
4 – Put things that we will use in the next few months back in the closet.
5- Dance around in the pantry, because there’s actually space to do so.
The Casualties:
The keyboard, fly fishing pole, fan, kite, and crate of musical stuff will be going to our storage space. When I stop being lazy.
We’ve had a stack of frames in the pantry for ages, but don’t really like hanging them on our walls. So, we took the photos out of the frames and are donating the frames, along with a few other decoration items.
I’m also sending Gabe’s leftover golden party plates/cups/napkins to my mom to use for my parent’s golden anniversary party-slash-vacation this summer.
Lessons Learned:
- Realize what you want to use a room/space/closet for, and make sure you are using it that way.
- If it’s negatively affecting my mood to go into a space, something probably needs to change. Even though it seems overwhelming and I want to procrastinate.
- Cleaning closets is hard work. Blogging about it seems like an easy idea, but is way more work than normal blogging.
- Even when I’ve decluttered in the past, clutter is always with us. Amen.
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This looks great! I ended up being sick yesterday so I’m only about half-done with our walk-in closet but I’m determined to finish it this week!
“If it’s negatively affecting my mood to go into a space, something probably needs to change. Even though it seems overwhelming and I want to procrastinate.” – this perfectly describes how I feel about our storage room. It’s full of riding equipment I haven’t used in over a year, baby things, Christmas decorations – oh, and boxes we haven’t unpacked since we moved into our place almost four years ago! I have to walk through it to do the laundry and it seriously stresses me out. I really need to stop procrastinating …
Just so you know, I have a bit of an obsession with this series. LOVE!
I’m stealing a box of those peppermint joe-joes next time we come to visit! In the interest, of course, in helping to keep the clutter down :-)
So in love with this series! Eric and I have been tackling closets and cupboards, too. We’re both reading The Joy of Less, and fittingly my Bible study this morning included a discussion on detachment from earthly things. Clearly this is a message I need!
1) I am glad I am not the only one who labels where stuff goes. My drawers all have blue painters table labeling their contents. and 2) SO JEALOUS of your pantry. However, a bigger one would probably just mean a bigger mess!
very nice post, i certainly love this website, keep on it. Thanks