First of all, kudos if you actually read my last post. It was LONG and a little more weighty than usual. It was important to me, though, so please check it out if you get a chance (I know I usually skim really long blog posts and sometimes go back and read them when I have time. So humor me.).
I’m dying to share pictures of the amazing kids I work with, but know I totally can’t. So instead, how about some pictures from a recent field trip we had to a “21st Century Farm”?
And the crazy part is, these animals were living an idyllic farm life — none of that factory farming for them. They had room to move around, had opportunities to go outside, and be exposed to natural light. The kids were seeing the best possible situation that their meat comes from. I can guarantee you that their Whopper and Big Macs do not start out on a cute little farm like that. (I was not about to further disgust them, of course. I’ve inadvertently turned children into vegetarians before and I know parents do NOT appreciate it. But if you do want some great videos for kids, check out The Meatrix. Quite clever.)
PS: Check out this post if this interests you: Opting Out of rBGH
I may not be a vegetarian, but after seeing a documentary on how BADLY produce animals are looked after, I don’t care about paying extra for the food. Free range is the way to go!
Fluffiest bunneh ever!
Vegetarians unite!!:)