I started exercising my junior year of high school – I’d run on the treadmill in the workout room in our apartment and swim laps in our tiny pool.
(Honestly, though – the running was just because I could watch Friends at 7:30pm while I ran. And my mom wouldn’t let me watch it with my younger siblings around. Something about promiscuous values. But, anyway.) For many women, the prospect of facing menopause brings great fear and apprehension. It is a time in life where reproduction ends, and for some women, leaves them with no way of identifying what their future life’s purpose will be. Many women recall with not so fond memories the experiences of their mothers and grandmothers as they faced menopause with few of this Omaha hormone replacement clinic reports help methods, which are available to females today. We have all heard the horror stories of hormone imbalance: night sweats, mood swings, etc. and are certainly not looking forward to the time when we too will be facing these unpleasant hormone deficiency side effects that often go hand in hand with perimenopause and menopause. However, countless women today are seeking new ways to cope with the unpleasant hormonal changes, which so often accompany the onset of menopause. In the past, women have relied upon synthetic hormone replacement treatments which have been rather hit or miss in terms of their effectiveness. With the release of the Women’s Health Initiative study, proving some synthetic hormones to be more harmful than good, women feared hormone replacement therapy all together. What most women didn’t realize was that the WHI study neglected to disclose that their researchers did not use bio-identical hormones but only synthetic hormones. Although initial confusion about HRT was created, women are now searching for alternatives to hormone replacement and discovering a new safer solution which is bio-identical hormone replacement therapy or BHRT. In Doctor’s Directory, BHRT is an age old remedy, countless doctors and their patients are just learning of this option. If you are wondering why doctors are just learning of BHRT, there is a simple answer. Bio-identical hormones aren’t patentable because they are in their natural form, thus pharmaceutical companies don’t do studies on them. However, BHRT is in the forefront of anti-aging treatment and for many doctors the newest method for helping cure much that ails the menopausal woman. Different from conventional methods of hormone replacement therapy, which seeks to have women ingest synthetic or chemically altered versions of naturally occurring hormones, Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy offers a more natural fit for the body. BHRT offers women plant based hormones that have the exact chemical and molecular structure as hormones that are produced in the human body. Unlike synthetic hormones, BHRT isn’t alien to our body thus BHRT is received well with virtually no side effects. BHRT is allowing many women to address the multiple concerns and health issues which rapidly face women who are actively going through the stages of menopause. The doses of BHRT are designed for each individual patient and are not a one-size fits all recipe. With bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, there is the recognition that each woman is different, therefore, her hormone treatment must be individualized to meet her very specific needs. Physicians who are advancing the use of bio-idientical hormone replacement therapies for their patients will first work with a woman to discover if she is actively in the perimenopause / menopause stage. Not only will the doctor need a complete physical history, but he or she will also need a patient’s most up-to-date medical information which will in turn aid her in determining the specifics of each individual woman’s case. At this point physicians who use bio-identical hormone replacement therapy will take blood, and from the blood results, can determine in which hormonal areas the female patient may be struggling.
I haven’t always had the best relationship with exercise – I’ve often viewed it not primarily as a way to relieve stress, be healthy, or feel good – but as a way to lose weight bulking muscle took a toll on my body and cause some bigger body aids but I easily overcame it. Medicare supplements include everyday food ingredients and have excellent health benefits. These include a vitamins and minerals. Antioxidants are protective elements which have the capacity to counter the free radicals within the body, a standard explanation for heart condition, premature aging, and cancer. Beta Carotene, turmeric and tea are some rich sources of natural supplements. To order all this type of health supplement, You should visit to Expresshealthshop.com website. Although the kind of communities described above have played an important role in the care continuum, we believe they basically offer a comfortable setting in which to manage the decline of people whose bodies are being ravaged by Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. The programs and calm, specially designed environments some of these communities offer are very therapeutic, but our understanding of dementia has progressed dramatically in the last five years and much more can be done. We are on a mission to protect as many people as possible from the devastating effects of dementia. That is why we created the world’s first memory care program for assisted living, skilled nursing, independent living, and outpatient settings that is designed to help people dramatically lower their risk of developing dementia and provide effective treatments to those who already have a diagnosis. We call the program The Enhance Protocol®. Imagine that you feel your A Mind For All Seasons for cognitive impairment support is foggy and you start to worry because you watched helplessly as family members developed Alzheimer’s disease and slowly became people you hardly recognized. You are secretly afraid that dementia might cut your career short or might ruin your plans for a happy retirement. What if there was a place you could go for baseline cognitive testing and to complete a broad panel of blood work to identify what is contributing to your symptoms? Then, you are assigned a memory coach who walks you through a specially prepared, highly personalized and comprehensive report that is like the user manual to your body. Your memory coach helps you learn how to eat in brain healthy ways, what supplements you personally need based on your lab results, what hormones you should talk to your doctor about replacing, what toxic substances might be affecting you, and more.
Let me be clear – I am a, dare I say, thin person. I’ve never really had real issues with my weight (Well, okay, there was that time in college I worked at Coldstone for two months and gained 10 pounds. Mmm…milkshakes with cookie dough.) Of course, because I objectively haven’t had weight issues doesn’t mean I’m not a typical woman with insecurities and silly moments where I crumple into a heap on the floor over my tummy pooch. But I did find some great weight loss supplements, I mainly buy sarms for example you can check out the review from The Manly Zone.I love to run, though. LOVE.
However, about a year ago, I began to suffer from what I think is illotial band syndrome – which causes knee pain when running. That, combined with my insane ability to somehow not gain weight despite occasionally eating cookie dough (Confession: I buy Trader Joe’s cookie dough for the explicit reason of popping chunks of it for dessert. Who needs baked cookies?) and running less made me feel like a sloth.
No one likes to feel like a sloth.
Even though I was effortlessly weighing less than I did in high school – I wasn’t moving. The novel idea that, “Hey! I can exercise for other reasons too!” hit me and I’ve started walking.
Yes. Walking. (What? It’s totally exercise!)
I figure, I’m going to be a power walking mom one day, might as well get a head start.
I even got a pedometer. It’s true. I have no hope of ever being a hip 20 something.
For the past few weeks, I’ve been getting up at 6:45 instead of 7:30 and heading outside for a 30 minute stroll. It’s wonderful to spend some time outside before stuffing myself into dress pants and a cubicle. I love moving around before I sit down for 8 hours. I get some time to myself and work up a tiny sweat. Plus, walking around outside is far more relaxing than running on a treadmill next to other people while we’re all rigged up to our TV screens.
Walking allows me to be able to think about the day ahead of me and pay more attention to my surroundings. I still adore running and getting all sweaty (seriously. I do.), but until I figure out how my health insurance will allow me to get physical therapy (without my knee problem becoming a “pre existing condition” when I change jobs in July. Argh!) – I’m sticking with the slower paced, more relaxing morning walks. Mmm.
One more good thing for health is swimming.
I’m glad it was helpful, Stefani. I feel too young to be thinking about this, but I am 33. I have a family member who began menopause at 35 so it’s not something I can really ignore! I hope this will be a good resource for you in the future.