[February Update]
Work on weekday routines. I made a chart with (stick figure) pictures to plan out our daily routines. It’s been helpful for Gabe when we’re like, “What now?” The sense of intentional rhythm has had a positive effect and I hope it only blossoms and helps combat the meltdowns we have many afternoons. (As I type this, he’s having a meltdown, so there’s progress to be made.)
Clear my desk every night. Yes! This was a great habit to form – it reminded me how often clutter just become part of a flat surface if I ignore it. So choosing to see it and get rid of it on a regular basis was helpful. I usually have a pile of “to do” papers on my desk, but putting them in a drawer still helps because I just get them out when I have a few minutes to work on them (calling insurance, filling out paperwork, writing a check for a bill, etc). Paper clutter is always so hard to tackle!
Read one business book and one novel. I read (well, listened to) Essentialism (was good, recommend), but only read about 100 pages of This Must Be the Place. I find it hard to take time to read since we’re going to bed so early (9 pm!) and the kids are in bed by 8, so I just haven’t squeezed in much reading around the other household tasks and work. (I did have a blessed hour in the middle of the day to read during a foot MRI, though) But listening to audiobooks while I walk to the library, drive, clean, and cook seems to be easier to fit in these days! I have a harder time listening to fiction audiobooks, though. I love the tactile experience of holding a real novel in my hands to read.
Blog about Puerto Rico! Half done. I still need to blog about eating our way through Old San Juan, though.
Make a photo book from our trip. Not really – I had my latest Chatbooks done, though, which is sort of a photo book. I really need to get this done, since I meant to do this 2 years ago for our OTHER trip and never did. Oops. That’s why I like Chatbooks, it forces me to print my photos! (If you want to get Chatbooks, you should use my code to get a free book! It’s Q4TLHTKZ They are awesome. Gabe reads ours all the time, which makes for reliving happy memories.)
[March Intentions]
Since I mentioned wanting to have a routine, habit, and book to work on each month, I figured I create some permanent categories for these:
ROUTINE | Refine my inquiry to project start process. Write out what happens now, read about others’ processes to get ideals, write out ideal process, write out email copy, and see where I can improve web copy. Look into streak, labels, and canned messages to help with process.
Related: Create folders for to do and waiting for response and keep my inbox clear of clutter.
READ | Either The Sweet Spot or Decisive for my business book and hopefully finish This Must Be the Place!
HABIT | Improve my morning routine. After listening to this podcast, I started implementing a new morning routine that has been changing my days. It’s only been a few days, but I’m optimistic! Even just 3 minutes of meditation, a few minutes of exercise, and deciding what would make my day great has been having a positive effect all day. I feel more clear and less foggy.
Related: Do the 30 day meditation challenge: I signed up for this and am starting today! It comes highly recommended from my friend who also had her second kid last year and has also found that having two kids has resulted in less patience and more snapping. She said it’s helped tremendously, so I’m all SIGN ME UP.
Also, because it’s been cold and snowy, I want to go outside every single day. Even for five minutes. It doesn’t count if it just involves walking to the car!
I lvoe your intentions!! I am stealing a few, mostly the routine and getting outside every single day. Period.
One of the upsides to having a dog: I have to go outside every day, no matter the weather :) Of course, when it’s -10 and snowy that’s a downside, too, but it’s good for both of us.
Love your intentions and great job on last month. Let us know how the meditation goes!? I’m curious!
I would love to see the chart you made for Gabe! I’ve been trying to come up with a better morning routine for Topher, Ellie and I. School days are easy, it’s the days that we’re all home together that I’m pulling my hair out. Topher always wants to watch TV or play on the computer or run laps around the kitchen table while screaming at the top of his lungs – ugh! I can’t wait for spring!!! Organizing my in-box is on my to-do list for this month. I recently switched to gmail and am trying to figure it all out :)
I’ve been listening to the audiobook Thrive and she has been talking about the benefits of meditation. I admit it’s not a natural thing for me (maybe that’s the point) but when I was going to yoga regularly during pregnancy and right after Max was born. Now, I haven’t figured out a way to squeeze it in and I don’t feel like I’m seeing those affects anymore. Maybe I should try the challenge. How are you liking it so far? I know it will take longer than 5 days to actually see results ha ha