Pantsless even in February.
[February Update]
Respond more. I definitely tried to respond more to comments here – which I always want to do. Some good conversations blossomed as a result, so I count that a win!
Take care of a variety of silly little things: make a dentist appointment for myself, get the car windshield fixed, and clean off my phone. All done – except my phone is a never-ending battle since it seems to fill up as soon as I make space on it. My teeth are clean and the windshield is crack-free, however!
Take care of myself & take a social media break. I read a lot and was off Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for most of February. Strangely, it was my highest earning month since my last social media break in May. I don’t like that correlation! I think it’s just a coincidence since I don’t often get paid as soon as I do the work. But still pretty crazy.
[March Intentions]
Go to sleep earlier. Insomnia is killing me (I was awake 1:30 until 4 am last night. KILLING ME.), so I need to do my part by falling asleep before 11 pm. If I can’t beat it…I need to go the eff to sleep.
Plan some sort of pre-baby getaway. Whether it’s a week at the beach or just a quick weekend in Pittsburgh, I want to have one last trip with my favorite two people to spend time with before life is turned upside down by a tiny little baby. Also, I am tired of winter, so if it is a warm trip: ICING ON THE CAKE.
Put down my phone when Gabe is talking to me. Unless I’m looking something very particular up, the phone goes down. It’s hard multitasking and feeling like I’m not being good at anything – so one thing at a time. Sometimes.
Read through Zoe’s Learn Web Fonts to learn even more. Zoe’s blog is quickly becoming one of my favorite practical blogs for development resources. PLUS, she has two little boys and works from home, so I feel a bit of kinship with her.
We’ve been busy decluttering our apartment last month and I’m hoping we’ll just keep trucking along. We might not be moving, but we still want to get rid of a ton of stuff! Right now about half of our (pretty big) bedroom is filled with bags and boxes and piles of items to schlep to Goodwill. Freedooooom.
Oh pregnancy insomnia! Don’t miss it! At least you know you may even sleep better when the baby comes?
We are minimizing our evening screen time here for the month of March. I’m excited to read more books. I’d love to hear if there were any books you particularly enjoyed in February!
I can’t believe it’s already March! Yay for decluttering! Yay for maybe less snow for you soon! (Hopefully?)
I’m beyond excited for March. SPRING CLEANING! It’s the only time of the year I can get my husband to even consider decluttering! (How did you get Mike on board, BTW? Is he just naturally a fan?)
HEY CHICA! If you are getting rid of ANYTHING that plugs in or is electronic in nature, consider saving it until April 5. St. Hilary is havine an E-Waste Collection (through the Creation Care Ministry) and we want ALL YOUR JUNK!! :)
Thanks! Spread the word :)
Ugh pregnancy insomnia… worst! I sleep like a baby now :) Til said baby wakes up, ha ha. I literally sleep like a baby, in 3 hour stretches ha ha.
I need to work on getting rid of things this month. I set a goal for this week to donate one bag of clothes. I haven’t started yet, but it’s only Tuesday!
What is it like to have the same name as a famous person? I kept thinking of you every time ice skating was on the Olympics last month.
I love that Gabe goes pantless. He’s the ying to Gavin’s yang, since Gavin’s big thing lately is stripping off his shirt. hahaha. Oh wait, did you say something about intentions? ;)
that picture of Gabe just makes me smile. and oh man I’ve been decluttering like crazy lately and it’s awesome. my goal this month is also to dig hard into copyrighting and try and learn some design. also, to stay positive. that’s a never ending battle these days but i’m trying!
I am totally in spring cleaning mode right now; It feels so good! We have some things to sell and the rest will be donated. I can’t wait. And it’s fun to look around with a critical eye as to what I do and don’t need to keep around. Freedom indeed.
(also, wouldn’t it be awesome if running around pantsless would be acceptable for adults without judgment or it being weird? Like, in the yard and how kids do it? Sigh. Adulthood is overrated sometimes.)