Instead of a list of links to other blogs and websites, today I’m going to share my favorite podcasts with you. What is a podcast? It’s an audio program that is sometimes part of a radio show and sometimes not.
I am a huge, HUGE fan of podcasts. I listen to them while I’m working, while I’m commuting, while I’m running, and while I’m cleaning or cooking. It’s often a substitute for television, and my favorite podcasts are both entertaining and informational. I love to laugh and learn from them.
My Top 5 Podcast Recommendations
Talk of the Nation // My go-to news podcast. This podcast covers the news with a variety of opinions and formats. I once had a tweet read on air by Neal Conan. It was a big deal for me, as a dedicated TOTN dork. (Neal didn’t agree with my tweet as he was all, “Hmmm.” afterward. It was about surviving college and how you don’t have to read everything that is assigned. WHAT? I still graduated magna cum laude, Neal. Stop judging me.).
This American Life // Both intensely interesting and informative (recent shenanigans aside), this was my gateway podcast that I started listening to nearly 5 years ago. Like most people who listen to this podcast, I am a wee bit obsessed with Ira Glass.
The Deeply Graphic Design Cast // For the graphic designers in the crowd, this is a must-listen!
Freelance Radio // For the creatively self-employed in the crowd, this is a must-listen! It’s wonderful and helpful to hear from freelancers on how they make it work, dealing with common client problems, and so on.
The Simple Mom Podcast // Tsh from Simple Mom chats with other successful bloggers and moms about all sorts of subjects. As both a blogger and a mom, I love to hear their thoughts on both subjects. But even for non-parents who are interested in simple living, decluttering, and such, I think it’d be worth taking a listen.
Runners Up:
The Moth Podcast, Car Talk, and Stuff Mom Never Told You.
Stuff Mom Never Told You is my most favorite thing in the world. I once listened to their archives for 9 hours while driving from FL to GA. Best.
I have listened in an embarrassing amount of their archives.
As a dedicated fan, how do you feel about Molly leaving and Caroline coming? Are you sad? Happy? Haha. ;)
Oooh, I’m with you on the first two!
I also love:
-My Brother, My Brother, and Me (hilarious)
-The World in Words (a linguists geek-out)
-Slate Political Gabfest (politics discussed as if at a bar)
-Slate Double X Podcast (women’s issues)
Is Freelance Radio no longer being produced? I see one from 2010 labeled “final”
That is the old podcast and I’m currently making my way through the awesome archives. However! I found the new one started here.
Ira Glass is doing a show in my little town on my birthday, so naturally I bought tickets. I’m so excited!
Stuff Mom Never Told You is my favorite podcast, and also my dream job. I just want to hang out with the hosts.
And you would totally rock at being a SMNTY host! I think they need a married lady in there. ;) Diversity, right?
– Speaking of Faith with Krista Tippet
– The Splendid Table
– Pray As You Go
– Harvard Business Review
Thanks for the recommendations! I used to LOVE Krista Tippet’s podcast, but forgot about it for whatever reason. :)
Aww, Car Talk! I love those guys. I don’t even care about cars but I still love their show.
Same! I know nothing about cars, but they make me laugh anyway!
Thanks for all the recommendations. I DEFINITELY agree with you that you do not have to read everything assigned! I wonder if he thought he’d get in trouble with some if he agreed with that haha
Right? Maybe he went to school when they didn’t assign more than is reasonable for any human being to ACTUALLY read?!
I’m a big fan of This American Life and The Moth as well. My new favorite however, is Jillian Michael’s podcast. It’s very inspirational and informative when it comes to healthy living. She gives all kinds of tips on good food to eat and ways to stay in shape. She gives advice on both mental and physical health. She’s also a big fan of organic food. Give her a listen!
Thank you for this! I’ve recently discovered the awesomeness that are podcasts, and I’ve been looking for some new recommendations. Can’t wait to give them a listen!