From Gabe’s birthday celebration at a vineyard last month. I just love the way he and my mom are looking at each other. :)
I hate complaining, so I apologize for what’s about to follow but I have to tell you – it has been A Week, my friends. One of those weeks where you hear some bad news, cry in your boss’ office, feel sensitive in the face of criticism (which is probably not even criticism, but you are feeling sensitive, so it totally is), don’t have time to run, eat too much sugar and flour, AND ticket prices for your trip skyrocket.
Needless to say, I have been referencing this post A LOT. If I start to feel bogged down or overwhelmed or despairing, I read through the list and pick one or two to implement and combat the Bad Feelings.
On to what I’ve been reading on the internet! (I haven’t shared my favorite reads in a few months, so some of these are rather old.)
35 Things I’ve Learned in my 35 Years [Simple Mom]: These sorts of posts are everywhere all the time, but you GUYS. Read this one. It’s a great one.
Conversations with an Older Man [Free Range Kids]: An incredibly sweet, touching story about what’s been lost with the concept of stranger danger. Very interesting and made me think.
Stop Whining About Your Equipment, Get Out There And Shoot! [Digital Photography School]: This could apply to just about anything you want to get involved in. Don’t wait to have the perfect, most fancy camera to shoot – shoot! Don’t wait until you have the most expensive running shoes, just run! Etc. etc.
Some Things are Better Left Unsaid [The Dsh with Tsh]: “I think our paradigm has shifted as to what makes a moment a good one—it feels more complete, more real, if we share it with others who aren’t there.“ A perfect articulation of what I felt and learned through my social media break in May. (And something I totally still struggle with.)
Have a great weekend, friends! I have a photo shoot tonight, Mike is running a marathon tomorrow, and I’m running 10 miles Sunday. Eeek!
So many amazing links! A lot to think about. I hope your weekend is refreshing :)
Awww, Ashley, this post makes me want to run to your house to give you a big hug (and I’d do it, too, if it weren’t for the fact there’s a big stupid state between our own and that slightly smaller issue of not running much these days). =) Hang in there – it will get better.
Thanks for the shout out and also for the reminder to get back to some of my favorite blogs. Life has been so busy for me lately, that I’ve only been reading “friend’s” blogs, rather than some of my favorite thought-provoking ones. My brain misses that kind of reading, too. Maybe I need to inflict some self-care, too!