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Needy – Chris Brogan // “But creatives, of which I am one, have this need not simply to create, but to share. And honestly, we don’t need to share. We need the feedback. We need to hear someone tell us that what we’ve said is smart, or that what we’ve baked is delicious, or that the photo we took of the dolphins was magical and profound.”
Be Inspired – Zen Habits // I like to visit this when I need some ideas for inspiration or a swift kick in the pants.
When a Marriage Needs a Little Help – Late Enough // “How can I think one more scroll through Facebook or one last text message or one more work email….is more important than the man with whom I have spent the last ten years and plan to spent the rest of life?”
Download Google’s Web Fonts – Joe // Really only for fellow web designers and developers, but since I use Google Web Fonts all the time, I am thrilled to be able to download them all to use in my comps and mockups.
The Fast Diet – Diane Rehm Show // This is a podcast, but totally worth listening to. I am not a diet person. I prefer to eat better and exercise more instead of doing some sort of cleanse or drastically changing how I eat. This guy, however, advises an interesting un-diet – you eat normally 5 days a week (not thinking about calories or “good” vs “bad” food), and do some partial fasting 2 days (two small meals). It’s not obsessive and it’s based in actual research about the benefits of fasting. Super intriguing.
Sheryl Sandberg “Lean In” – TED // I found this from Shalini and I am really in love with the message. I’ve seen far too many women not speak up and assert themselves in the workplace.
Thank you so much for including my marriage post. I love that needy post. I do think creatives, of which I think I’m one, too, are needy. It’s both gross and endearing.