Gabe has a message for any babies or toddlers out there who still need to kick the pacifier habit:
(Also, be sure check out his skills knee-walking. Not sure how he’ll transition from that to feet-walking, but it’s fun while it lasts!)
(The video continues with Gabe rolling around in the soft carpet. It was pretty awesome.)
What’s that? You’d like another video of Gabe? Well, okay. Twist my arm why don’t you?
This was Gabe’s party trick for a while. We’d say, “Do your funny face” and he’d do this. It was quite a hit. He’s since decided he’s so over being our little entertainer who performs on demand.
And, finally, check out Gabe’s dance moves:
Yes, this is just a post filled with gratuitous videos of my child. BUT it’s my birthday week (Friday), so I can do what I want, right?
Right. Just say ‘right.’
I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning but this totally helped my mood! He’s SO cute Ashley! (And happy birthday week!)
He is SO cute!
PS: I read your blog so often but thought it would be nice to comment for a change ;)
LOL. That first video where he starts eating the garbage and you’re like EWWW he gives you this face like ‘Uh, WHAT?’ and I died of laughter. Also his funny face? LMAO!
On an unrelated note I have no idea why but every time I go to comment on one of your posts, your blog freezes my entire computer up for like 5 mins! :( so weird.
Your husband and son have the same laugh – hilarious and adorable! Also love that Gave spends so much time in a t-shirt and diaper without pants!
his funny face just kills me with the cuteness, love it.
Topher watched the videos with me. Now he won’t stop asking “See Baby? See Baby?”
you could overload us with videos as much as you want–he is way too adorable!
Total cuteness! He seems like quite a fun lil guy to have around! Happy Birthday week!
oh, and I he’s getting so vocal! I forgot to mention.. I love his little laugh! Adorable! Okay, I’m done now. ha.
Aw, what a precious little nugget! And the knee-walking made me laugh…my mom told me my older sister knee-walked for the longest time and she was so freaked out that she’d never walk like a normal human being. Hahaha…