I voted last Thursday.
Gabe and Mike and I stood outside in the freezing cold and waited in more long lines inside before casting our ballots (well, Gabe just played with Snoopy while we filled in the bubbles). We spent longer than an hour to early vote on a dreary Thursday afternoon and, still, I was giddy when I left.
Maybe I was giddy because I was glad it was over. Maybe I was giddy because I was going to Target to buy clearance costumes and peanut butter M&Ms afterward. Maybe I was giddy because I am really excited about the people and issues I got to vote for.
I love voting. To have a say in how my county, state, and country are run is empowering and exciting. We are so lucky to have this opportunity.
Even though I really want the people and issues I care about to win, I want even more than that for citizens to get to have their say. (Of course, it’s helpful if it’s an educated say and they aren’t just voting a certain way because their parents or employers threatened them.) (Not that I’ve heard of that happening.) (Except that I totally have.)
Sure, I am tired of all the divisiveness, billboards, mailers, Facebook rants, and campaign ads – but I am not tired of the bumper stickers and yard signs and in-person conversations. I think there is a difference between saying, “I am excited about and support this guy” and “This guy is going to ruin our country and your freedom.” There is space for discussion and respect and understanding in political issues. There has to be. And we are the ones who have to make it happen.
Gabe has a message for you:
I know it’s totally dorky but I’m sort of jealous you get to vote in Ohio. I mean, my vote probably matters in my local elections and such but it’s got no weight in the presidential election… Georgia is SO RED!
But I’m so glad you voted and wrote this! And Gabe is precious, of course :)
So cool that you voted early! The one day I don’t mind standing in lines is Election Day! And that video? ADORABLE.
I love this. I decided to wait for election day to vote, just because I find something so super special about it. (Although my tune may change if I’m standing in loooong lines tomorrow!) I’m just excited to have a say and I think it’s SO important.
Also, I had to sit in a meeting where the owners of my company basically threatened us that if we vote for Obama, we will no longer have health care. And the business would tank. Soooo… yeah. I don’t think the workplace – especially people who are in a leadership role! – is the place for political discussions, especially those that force your ideas on someone else. Bleh. I can’t say I will be sad when all this is over!
ALSO GABE! He is the cutest thing. Sigh. I am “boating” tomorrow! I promise! :)
Good for you! And I agree with Jenn up there – sometimes living in CA, I feel like my vote doesn’t matter – we’re blue no matter what, and there’s no exciting “what if…” going on. How exciting to live in such a crucial state!
If I hadn’t already voted a week ago, I’d totally go vote at Gabe’s direction. That kid has a powerful and commanding voice, one the people will listen to! =)
Umm, I freaking love Gabe’s message! And, like you, I voted last week and was THRILLED I went out and did it. Excited for tomorrow!
I will be boating tomorrow. Hopefully he is reassured. :)
Gabe is freakin’ adorable. Bring him to visit the Farm. And also…I love peanut butter M&Ms. And can’t wait to vote tomorrow!
That video is THE MOST ADORABLE. Can’t wait to vote tomorrow!
Hahaha, so cute! I’ll be voting tomorrow afternoon and hoping that there are not long lines because Tuesday is my busiest day! Oh well, it’s definitely worth it. I like voting too. Unfortunately, I very rarely find a politician I am excited about. I wish I did, but in general they depress me more than excite me, which is weird because I find LOTS of people I know to be very exciting and inspiring. I’m definitely ready for the facebook posts and commercials to be over, but I do think it’s great when people have productive conversations about politics… I just don’t find those happen on facebook haha.
Going to “go boat” tomorrow!
I’m voting tomorrow morning, and just hope it isn’t complete madness trying to do it with Eisley next to me. (It may suck.)
And I totally agree with this (and am grateful to you for writing it): “There is space for discussion and respect and understanding in political issues. There has to be.”
So adorable! I took my 4 year old son to vote with me today. I explained voting to him as best as I could in 4 year old terms. As we’re leaving, he says, “When are we going on the boat?”. It was a long ride to school trying to explain to him we went to VOTE and not to go on a BOAT.
Your son is ADORABLE!