We are homeschooling Gabe again this year for first grade. (Though most homeschoolers seem big into not labeling grade levels and just learning whatever is appropriate, I try to keep an eye on first grade standards and use mostly first grade books because I want to be sure he doesn’t fall behind.)
He started a two-day-a-week intentional learning program for homeschoolers. It’s sort of waldorf-y, sort of montessori, and only a two minute walk away. So: PERFECT. We continue to be a one car family and Mike commutes 40 miles each way to work, so having an educational enrichment opportunity so close to home feels like a jackpot. The program won’t be in that building forever, so I’m not sure we’ll get to stay a part of the community if the logistics don’t work out. But while it lasts? I’m totally loving it. The leadership is nurturing and holistic and it’s just been a fantastic growing opportunity for Gabe.
I have a lot to say about parenting this particular child and how to make the best decisions for him, but now that he’s getting older, I no longer feel comfortable sharing lots of details about parenting him publicly. Which is SUCH a bummer because I’m sure you all would have incredible insight and wisdom. And I have some things I WANT TO TALK ABOUT. But, alas. A public forum is no place to do that with someone else’s problems.
I’ve been thinking a lot about homeschooling and the pros and cons. With any schooling choice, you’re making sacrifices and enjoying perks. Here is my pros and cons for us for homeschooling: (I thought I’d share since I love getting a peek a good pro/con list)
- No hectic mornings or alarms or waking anyone up
- Flexibility as a family – we can go where we want when we want without telling anyone. Family in town? Take the day off! Want to go on a trip? Let’s go!
- I don’t have to drive him to and from school every day and wait in pickup/drop off lines
- Gabe feels confident in his abilities (and is a bit of a perfectionist, so he’d totally be the kid who’s hard on himself if he’s not THE BEST in the class)
- So much family time. For Gabe and Theo, for all of us. We spend a lot of time together.
- Less free time for me
- Worrying about being different/blaming any shortcomings on our schooling choices
- It’s a little extra work for me
- Might be harder to make friends for both us (I hear that a lot of people make friends through school?)
(Longtime reader (5-6 years?), first time commenter, lots of caring from far away about your family :).)
Good luck making these decisions!
Regarding community and homeschooling, I’ve found that homeschooling families tend to be more intentional about fostering and creating community for both parents and children. I’m part of several fb homeschooling groups and could go to 3-4 weekly meet-ups in my area if I chose to-and I’m in a moderate-sized Western town!
I assume when community isn’t a given (i.e.-no classmates), the tendency is to be more intentional :)
Maybe consider looking for homeschooling groups in your area you could try out to find cohorts?
I respect not wanting to blog all your thoughts on this. I’m just a private message away if you want to talk though!
Are you on FB? We have groups for every subject still within the TLI only community.