My boss said it means I am flexible.
It’s not just personality tests, though – I contradict myself in so many ways.
- I get stressed out really easily, but can also be infuriatingly (to *ahem* certain people) laid back.
- I hate when our house is messy and clean like crazy in bursts, but I’m terrible at picking up after myself on a daily basis.
- I’m a healthy eater, but have zero (I mean, ZERO) self-restraint when it comes to sugary foods. (Zero!)
- I act as a realist/bubble-buster/fact-checker to Mike’s big dreams, but harbor huge (you might say unrealistic) dreams for myself.
- I’m quite confident in my ability to speak in front of others, but get all shaky when it’s time to.
- I can be loud and crazy and silly, but I can also be quiet and slow to talk.
- I fiercely guard my alone time, but miss hanging out with my friends.
- I feel gross and bad and wallowy about myself, but am level-headed and practical and can see that I don’t have a weight problem – I just need to put down the Joe Joes and step into my running clothes.
I’d like to think it’s my flexibility and anti-extremism that has rendered me this way.
But perhaps I’m just crazy.
Do you ever contradict yourself?
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