If you frequent the internet, you’ve probably watched about a dozen video blogs of someone reading a list of words and asking if they speak with an accent.
Well, guess wha-at? You get to watch another! (Or just watch the first ten seconds and see Gabe pretending to talk on the phone.)
Oy. It’s sort of painful how much of a dork I am, you guys. It’s like a train wreck of dorkiness and rambling. SAVE ME FROM MYSELF.
The video prompt:
Say the following words:
Answer these questions:
What is the bug that curls into a ball when you touch it?
What is the bubbly carbonated drink called?
What do you call gym shoes?
What do you say to address a group of people?
What do you call the kind of spider that has an oval-shaped body and extremely long legs?
What do you call your grandparents?
What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?
What do you call it when rain falls while the sun is shining?
What is the thing you use to change the TV channel?
Aaaaand here are a few seconds of Gabe being psycho:
Happy Friday, y’all!
(Just testing out the ‘y’all’ thing.)
Gabe is so cute! P.s. You look exactly like you did in high school, Young and super skinny! Did you really just have a baby a year ago! ;)
OMG you and Gabe are both so cute. And not dorky at all! I love your little captions. Also Gabe reminds me SO MUCH of Callum. It’s like a preview! Especially since Callum also has that onesie.
Hahaha you’re so cute! I can hear your accent a little bit in some of the words you say… But that could just be because my CANADIAN accent makes me say it differently… I’ve never done a vlog before but this video might be a good place to start! Hmmm.
You are both so cute! If i hadnt been slothing around in my daggy house clothes I would probably do this, and the excuse that I do not want to scare small children today is why not (sad I know but I’m sticking to it lol). Your accent is american and cute :) Do you really want to hear an aussie do this? really??
You have a cute, slight Midwestern accent. :)
Differences in my Southern vocab:
– We call it coke, don’t ask why.
– I call it a grandaddy long legs, NEVER have heard it called just daddy long legs… must be a Southern thing. :)
– I think it’s cute how everyone is all, “That has a name” when I’ve always called it a sunshower… but I also lived in Florida where those happen all the time.
you are so pretty. :)
I’d post the link to my accent vlog, but my blog is down. boo. :(
so was Gabe walking in the background or knee-walking?! and oh my gosh he’s so much more verbal than just 3 months ago! also, i definitely don’t think you have any accent.
No accent to me, haha…but I LOVE then shirt your wearing!
YES! I know right?
I believe I was a part of a dorky TPing that was quickly regretted and then cleaned up :) Love the dorkiness!!! :)
Oh, yes it was. We are awesome. ;)
So I checked back to see if you had posted any adorable halloween costumes of Gabe yet, and noticed you changed your layout! I looove it! These are my fav colors! It looks great! I really need a pro blog make-over. I am just trying to decide if I should find another blog to use instead of blogger first. Any advice?
Whoaaaa did your redesign your blog or am I just THAT terrible at clicking over to comment? It looks really cute! Also, the reason I clicked over THIS time was because I just had to tell you that you have really pretty, white, straight teeth! I always notice that about people so I thought I would give a shout-out to your chompers. :)
omg you and gabe are seriously the cutest thing EVER. Gene makes fun of me ALL THE TIME because I call the bug a rolly-polly which is supposed to be a northern thing. I love the name and that’s what I was told they were. I know that they are also called a pill bug, but seriously rolly polly is so much funner.