Oh, what? It’s mid-February? I almost complete forwent this post, but then I did some goal setting for 2015 and I’m all fired up and ready to go. Plus, I’ve felt in a total funk since returning home from Puerto Rico and I think part of it is my aimlessness over not having goals. (Am a total nerd. Also a total 3.)
[January Update]
Getcha baby a sleep routine. We ditched the swaddle (rather easily, I’m happy to say) and got him on a very regular nap schedule. The sleep books all told me once his daytime sleep solidified, his nighttime sleep would follow. So far the sleep books are big fat liars who lie and threaten me. (JK – he’s doing well and routine is helping all of us! Until vacation reverses everything like vacation tends to do.)
Work on marriage. I mean, vacation was nice? But the audiobook we planned to listen to together never came in, so oops. We ARE going to start going on dates since Mike finished his dissertation and we now have a teeny bit more free time on the weekends!
Get ready for Puerto Rico. Well, we made it! I did it all single-handedly, if I might brag for a minute. I mean, yes, it WAS my idea to go, but the timing ended up such that Mike was gone the week before our trip, so all the prep was on me. While I launched websites and took care of my children without Mike. It was a terrible week. But, then: paradise!
Work out three times a week. I did really well on this! And in Puerto Rico, we were walking, like, 8 miles a day. (Okay, it was only one day. And I may have milked it for all it was worth. “We walked 8 miles! I should eat this chocolate grilled cheese!”)
Launch 1.75 websites. Yep. Got so much done before I left that I just turned my email off on my phone for a week and didn’t bring my laptop. It was glorious. Truly.
[February Intentions]
Work on weekday routines. Now that Theo’s naps are predictable, the next thing I want to tackle is our weekdays. I know that Gabe would really benefit from knowing what to expect every day. Using something like this as a guide, I have started something simple with post it notes with things like “Change clothes,” “eat breakfast,” “do yoga,” “tidy house,” and “Theo naps while Mama works and Gabe plays.” I want to be able to rearrange the items since we have 3 different kinds of week days: preschool days, work days, and we’re-all-home days. (On a related note, and possibly making this post plant itself firmly in the Mommy Blogger category, I tried making a visual to do list for Gabe and it was such a smashing success involving 99% less nagging than usual. Hoping a schedule will do similarly.)
Clear my desk every night. I’m going to try to develop one good habit each month in addition to tackling an area to develop a routine. Last month I started making our bed regularly (don’t judge), so this month I want to start clearing my desk completely every night or afternoon. The clutter builds up so fast!
Read one business book and one novel. I think this is going to be another regular goal. (Can you tell I did some brainstorming for goals I want for the year?) This month will be Essentialism and either The Red Tent or This Must Be the Place.
Blog about Puerto Rico! The posts I wrote after our last trip are some of my most visited and pinned posts, so I’m excited to share what we did this time. I love love love the idea that people are referencing the posts for their own adventures (or daydreams. Because let’s face it, in February, we could all do with a little tropical island daydreaming!).
Speaking of which, make a photo book from our trip. Might as well milk that vacation for all it cost, right? Then Gabe can relive the experience over and over again!
My library’s book club is reading “The Red Tent” in March and I’m really excited to start it! :)
Oh, awesome! I thought I was the only person left who hasn’t read it. :)
I haven’t read The Red Tent yet, either. But it’s on my shelf. Maybe this is the year! I hear it’s a great story.