For my birthday weekend (three weeks ago…), we drove down to Dayton, Ohio to visit our dear friends Tim and Ellen and meet their 10-month-old daughter, Jane. We hadn’t been down to our alma mater, and where we spent our first year of marriage, in about a year and a half.
The four-hour trip consisted of listening to This American Life, coffee, and feet (clad in my new birthday shoes!) curled up on the seat.
Gabe spent his time occupied with the iPad, which he has mastered. Angry Birds, however, he has not mastered. Books and the iPad kept him fairly happy for most of the ride.
Is there a more beautiful time to go on a road trip in the midwest than October?
On Saturday morning, we grabbed some of our favorite coffee, which is roasted in Dayton.
And headed to Yellow Springs Street Fair, which was as full of quirkiness as ever. No Dave Chapelle sighting this time, though.
Vegetarian nachoooooooos!
Gabe was thrilled to be able to push Jane in his stroller. Jane, however, was not a fan. Sorry, Jane.
Sweet baby Jane.
After a late night of trying desperately to get two kids to sleep (they’d keep waking each other up!) and some SNL, we had a lazy Sunday morning before we heading out to breakfast.
Then walked around campus for a bit. I cannot articulate how surreal it was to have Gabe and Mike running around next to where Mike and I would eat lunches, in front of the building where I had my science classes, etc.
We got another photo of Gabe on the sign (he has changed so much from last time! Plus, he was much more hesitant this time. Look at his face!)
Gabe and Jane. This guy has a child. We have a child. What fresh madness is this?
Such a sweet little family.
We stopped by the house I lived in for my junior and senior year of college. (Compare to this picture from five years ago. SO WEIRD I HAVE A KID OMG.) There were college students inside, but it was 9 am on a Sunday, so I figured they wouldn’t mind an old woman standing on their porch.
It was a real weekend (complete with kids crying, not sleeping, and diaper changes), but it was a special weekend. Tim and Ellen are our people, so it’s always great to see them. Dayton will always hold a close place to my heart, since it’s where I found myself, my husband, and Trader Joes. All equally important, of course.
You were so close to me!! Gabe just gets cuter and cuter everyday! Little Jane is so pretty too! Might I add how great Gabe looks next to a baby girl?? he he I see great big brother potential! ;) I know, all in good time! :) xoxo
Oh my goodness! I LOVE Yellow Springs, one of my favorite places ever <3 When I first moved to Ohio and didn't have any friends yet, I would go there every weekend and mentally decorate my future living room with all the beautiful artisan goods and browse through books I never bought. Such an awesome, unique place!
GREAT photos! And I have those TOMS as well – love love love them! So cool that you can go back and visit your alma mater!
The last time Dan and I went to Chapel Hill was during a vacation when he proposed to me. Yeah, it’s been a while. I can’t wait to go back with Gavin in tow…
Ashley, your photos are always so lovely. I’m glad you had such a good trip. Also, I have a question about listening to podcasts in the car. Do you use an adapter for your iPod? My car is older and has an in dash CD player and cassette tape (!), but no way to plug in my iPod. I’ve looked at adapters, but I am reluctant to buy one without getting a recommendation first.