I’m the type to avoid conflict. If I know we disagree on politics, I would never bring it up. Ever. If you cut me off while we’re driving, I won’t flick you off. Part of that is because of the anxiety of not knowing What should I do after an accident, if one were to betide. If you want me to be in your wedding and buy a $500 dress, I’ll suck it up and do it. If you put whipped cream on my no-whip drink, I won’t tell you. When you have been involved during a semi-truck accident the experience are often both frightening also as harmful, leading to physical and emotional injuries. Truck drivers have a troublesome job – it requires long hours, driving through all kinds of weather and every one hours of the day and night, and being constantly alert of nearby traffic. But there is no excuse for a truck accident to be caused by negligence of the driving force. Each year within the us , approximately 5,000 people are killed and nearly 150,000 are injured in trucking accidents on our nation’s roadways. One in four passenger vehicle deaths in multiple-vehicle crashes involve an outsized truck, and enormous trucks are involved in multiple-vehicle fatal crashes twice as often as passenger vehicles. Although drivers and truck owners have an obligation to work their vehicles within the safest manner possible, mistakes do happen. Several things can fail that warrant attention from a replacement York truck accident lawyer, including drivers falling asleep (truck driver fatigue), truck freight shifting, loads improperly anchored, and more. to debate whether you’ve got the idea for an injury claim consult an injury lawyer in ny today. You can contact to Brooklyn Lawyers, if you want legal advice.
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I’m not a doormat, just easy to get along with; a bit of a peacemaker. (Except when it comes to Mike. Sorry, babe.)
Yesterday evening, we were walking back to our apartment from the farmers’ market. We had to cross a busy intersection, but the button to activate the pedestrian walk sign has been broken for a few months. I am in the habit of just walking when the traffic light is green, even though the walk sign indicates not to. (The intersection is the kind where there is always a traffic light green – never a pedestrian-only light). A defendant is allowed to post a cash bail by themselves or call a CT bail bond calculator agent who will arrange to post bail, based on the bond calculator above, on your behalf. Bail bond finance company provide the best bonding service. In the state of Connecticut, a judge sets the bail amount. The amount is initially based on a bail schedule but may change to a higher or lower amount based on the circumstances of the case. Once an amount has been set, your bail bond agent will determine the bail amount that you need to be released. The bail bond is a small portion or percentage of the total bail set by the Judge. You then pay the bail agent to secure your release. Like any other loan process, there is a need to perfect the paperwork in order to ensure that the bail bond financing company has all the information necessary for processing the bail. Our team at 24 Hour Bail Bonds Financing in any experience with bail bond loans from New Haven?, CT will also require the arrested person or a loved one who is willing to sign on their behalf to endorse the paperwork for processing.
The light turned green and I started walking. A car quickly turned right in front of me, and the one behind it honked its horn loudly and the driver shouted angrily out his car window, “The walk sign isn’t lit!”
I recognized the man. He lives in my building – the one just 200 feet from where we were standing. We’ve had a few pleasant exchanges in the past.
We crossed the intersection after he turned and I told Mike I was going to say something to the man if we bumped into him in our building.
“Yeah, right.” Mike and I are both terribly shy when it comes to confrontation or being assertive.
“I am!” I insisted.
We went to the garage to turn on the hose to water our garden plot and bumped into the man as he was walking away from his car.
I steadied myself.
“Hi, I’m sorry I walked when the sign said not to, but the walk sign button has been broken, so the sign will never say to walk.”
“…” He looked at me, puzzled.
“You just yelled at me from your car to not walk? But the walk sign button is broken.”
“Oh, I’m…I’m sorry. I didn’t realize.” He was obviously both surprised and embarrassed.
“It’s okay. I know, it’s unfortunate, but it doesn’t work.”
I walked off, all shaky. Did I just say ‘unfortunate’ about a walk sign? I’m so weird.
As we made our way to our garden, I anxious decompressed with Mike: “Did I make him embarrassed? I didn’t mean to! I just wanted him to realize that I wasn’t just breaking the rules for no reason. And I didn’t want him to get frustrated in the future with people walking at that intersection. Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything! But I had to.”
Part of me feels awesome for having been assertive and hopefully making him think twice before he honks and yells angrily at people next time. But another part of me feels awful for embarrassing him.
I think the road is similar to the internet in that you can be rude or mean to people anonymously or without anyone standing up to you and calling you out. Not that I think this man was being excessively rude, but it did feel pretty darn good to explain myself.
The fact that I’m still agonizing over this means that maybe I am just not cut out to be an assertive person.
What about you – assertive? Passive? Shy? Aggressive? Passive-aggressive? Do you think I’m a big fat wimp or a bit fat meanie?
I am EXACTLY like you in your first paragraph! I think it’s awesome that you said something to your neighbor, it sounds like you were polite, honest and direct. Way to go!
Way to go! It’s hard to confront people in that way. You were polite and honest. Well done :)
If it’s someone I know, I would probably do that. I had something similar happen, where I was yelled at for crossing the street (the person just yelled “Hey! Hey!” trying to get my attention, but I wasn’t going to stop to be yelled at). But like you, the lights never changed back then, and so you just walked when it was green. I think they fixed it though and now they actually turn. Of course, in NY that doesn’t always mean anything… people still like to cut in front of you! So aggravating and SO dangerous!
I LOVE ASSERTIVE ASHLEY! Seriously! I’ve always been a very assertive person, starting at a very young age. For a time, my assertiveness got me into trouble, because I hadn’t quite figured out how to communicate what I was saying without coming off as a total beeyatch. It’s taken time (and probably will take more time) to learn how to effectively say what I want. I think how you approached the man might have caught him off guard, but your message certainly wasn’t malicious or filled with ill-intent. If you don’t want things to be awkward going forward, just go back to saying hello in your friendly manner the next time you see him. It’ll show him you don’t hate him, even if you don’t think his one particular action was appropriate.
I love that you talked to him.
On a side note, I am JUST LIKE YOU: totally not going to stand up to anyone else…but Andrew. Sorry, Andrew. No peacemaker here! Lol.
Also, I’m too lazy to go leave a comment on your last post, but how did I never know about making overnight cold brewed coffee in my french press?! I’ve been doing All The Things, and that’s just so easy! I love it!
Isn’t that funny? The people we love most get to know the REAL us. ;)
Good for you! I think people have a tendency to get way too hyper when they are in their cars and become angry anxious people. Good for you for making him think twice about yelling at people and cutting them off.
Good for you Ash! I agree that I would rather avoid confrontation, but I have slowly begun to stand up for myself when I know I wasn’t wrong, and someone has said something regarding something I have said or done, thinking I am wrong. You were not mean at all! That guy needed to know that HE was wrong for yelling at you. Since the button is broken, and he lives right there, he might very well come into that situation again with someone else. So your action was beyond appropriate. The fact that you feel bad just shows that you have an amazing and kind heart.
My post that is linked below is my response to a person who told me I was angry and needed to seek professional help because I wrote a blog about being careful what you post on the internet, all because my mom and future mother in law have been bugging me about being someone who they believe shares too much online. The person missed every point I was trying to make and somehow thought that I was angry while writing the post. It sucks when people are mean, especially when you know they are missing something, like the broken button, or the fact that I was not angry at all when I wrote my post.
I took an online Business writing class last summer, and our classmates were constantly getting into fights on the web because it can be very difficult to understand tone of voice in writing.
But no matter, what, don’t stop defending yourself, ever! You are awesome!
I too am incredibly passive with stuff like this. Huge props for confronting him, in a kind way, but with enough gusto to get your point across.
You are very right in the fact that people feel they can be incredibly rude and aggressive behind the wheel because they think they will never have to see those people again. I think a lot of people blow off steam from other areas of their life behind the wheel.
The best part of your story is that you’d didn’t approach him with the same aggression he showed you, you simply stated the facts to help him understand. I applaud you for that, because most people would work up the courage to give him a taste of his own medicine, and the truth is, you never know what someone else is going through that made them react in such a hostile manner in the first place.
Keep it up lady :)
Lol, this sounds exactly like something I would do. I hate for people to think I was wrong when I know I was right. And then I would agonize over it, and agonize about what they thought of me if I ever had the courage to confront them about it.
This reminds me of You’ve Got Mail when Tom Hanks tells Kathleen Kelley that he’ll give her his ability to “be nasty,” but that she needs to be aware that afterward, you feel bad.
(I don’t think you need to feel bad, by the way.)
(I also don’t think you were nasty. That was just how he said it in the movie.)
Anyway. People can be dickheads and someone, in this case, you (a very nice person!) telling them (nicely!) that hey, there’s no need to yell, probably helps take them down a few pegs. Some people need to be taken down a few pegs.
I wouldn’t say I’m overly assertive, but in my old age (haha) I have definitely learned to speak my mind more and I actually think having a kid has helped me be like this. Basically, I don’t take crap from anyone because you know what? I just don’t have time for that BS. Life’s too short to have people treat you like crap (even if it’s unintentional, as it often is.)
YES! Having a kid TOTALLY helps me. Especially at work. My time is too valuable now NOT to speak up for myself.
one. i think it’s great you said something for exactly the reasons you said. no need to get mad at people in the future and you needed to show that you weren’t in the wrong here especially if you’re going to see this guy again.
two. i, on the other hand, am sort of aggressive. or rather i just can’t sit idly by sometimes and have to speak up. and yes it’s hard. but sometimes i feel like if i don’t say something in certain situations nothing will change and that will ultimately just drive me batty.
three. i just love how sweet you are. it’s a lovely quality. so don’t fret when you speak up every now and then, you can do it! :)
I used to be super shy when it came to confrontation – the very thought of it made me feel sick to my stomach! But since becoming a mom I’ve become a bit more assertive since being a mom. I figure Topher’sgoing to learn from watching me, so I need to learn how to stand up for myself! It still makes my stomach churn, though!
I’m incredibly passive, and so I think it’s awesome that you said something to your neighbor. Mostly because you were so polite, straightforward, and confident about it. I think part of the reason I’m so passive is because, if I ever were to confront someone, I would be either too aggressive or back down too easily. I haven’t mastered the art of polite confrontation yet. I guess I should practice? You did great!
I love this! I’m naturally aggressive and have to work to NOT have a temper. I would probably have yelled something like “it’s broken, you JERK!” and then agonized over that and had to apologize later. I think it was good you said something to him; he’s probably too tempermental, like me, and should go work on it.
I am definitely the sort of person who would’ve turned to him when he yelled it & yelled, “THE WALK SIGN IS BROKEN, BUDDY!” I don’t think I’m rude, just… assertive. ;)
I feel like next time that’s what I’ll do. I have no patience for mean people!
Assertive or not, you are adorable.
Oh, I am so impressed! I’ve been really struggling lately with my own inability to be assertive. On Saturday, we were in a mostly-empty parking lot, and I was getting something out of the trunk of my car. Suddenly, a HUGE SUV pulls in directly behind me (again, mostly-empty parking lot), too close to my back for comfort. I am STILL fuming, and I really should have just said something. I’m sure the driver was just not paying attention to the world around her.
Hi! I love your blog, but I never comment, two toddlers keep interrupting me. I just wanted to say that I’m also exactly like you are, but would like to be a little more assertive, and I LOVE that the people commenting and approving of how you handled this are both the quiet ones and the assertive ones! It gives me a little boost to up my assertiveness as well. On the other hand I have no desire to become very assertive/aggressive, it’s just not who I am! I think it’s great to find a place, maybe a little bit out of your comfort zone, without compromising yourself and your values. Kudos!
I agree completely. I think there is enough assertive/agressive energy in the world. I’m happy to do my part as a peacemaker. :)
Oh, I like to think I’m assertive… but in reality I’m much more passive-aggressive.
Good for you! I’m glad you stood up for yourself.
I love that you stood up to him, but I totally know what you mean that you didn’t want to embarrass him.
I am exactly the same way – I want to speak up, but I want to make it as painless as possible for the other person (which, sometimes, is just not possible.)
It takes practice and I think you should do just that.
I try to be assertive because I don’t like to feel like people can get away with saying/doing certain things. I may let it bug me a little too much actually. :(
I love your attitude. I want to have a friend like you who respect other’s wants and beliefs and not force them to do things they don’t want. I also like those who avoid conflict as much as possible. I’m sure you have a lot of friends because of your friendly and very nice attitude. :)
Assertiveness is a strength! I think everyone falls somewhere on the spectrum of passive to aggressive – and assertiveness is the healthy balance. You are a strong woman. I hope you keep it up. :)
Hi there! Love your blog.
Glad I stopped by!