I feel the need to apologize for talking about a Christmas tree when Thanksgiving isn’t even here, because some people have Very Strong Feelings about that sort of thing. So, if you’re angry, please take this moment to excuse yourself.
For the first two years of our marriage, Mike and I didn’t really have a Christmas tree. I just…didn’t want to deal with the hassle of getting a Christmas tree and then decorating it, only to spend most of our Christmas break at our families’ houses.
Last year before Christmas, my parents got a new tree and gave us their old tree (an aside: I get asked about what the most ‘green’ Christmas tree option is – secondhand artificial or potted evergreen that you rent or can replant). With a Christmas tree of our very own, I excitedly decorated it a few weeks before Christmas.
But this year, Gabe is much bigger and can participate in holiday traditions, so I’ve been giddy about Christmas since the beginning of November. Mike told me we had to wait until after Thanksgiving, but I wore him down on Friday evening (“Come onnnn, I’ll be so fun! Please? Please? Pleasssse?” I’m a delight.):
Family traditions are so, so much fun. We had dozens of family traditions growing up, so I’m really looking forward to starting holiday traditions with my new little family. Last year Gabe was a bit of a lump (a cute lump, of course) and couldn’t do much (NEWBORNS YAY!), so we went low-key on the family traditions.
This year? I’m gung-ho about starting new traditions for our family of three.
Once Mike gave me the green light for the Christmas tree, I decided we should make it an Event. We baked chocolate chip cookies (Gabe got his first taste of cookie dough! Sweet nectar of life.) (Don’t worry, there were no eggs in the dough.) (Also, there was accidentally double butter in these. Oops. Also, YUM.) While the cookies baked, we sat on the kitchen floor, hanging out and eating pierogies. Not because we’re Polish or anything, but because pierogies are freaking delicious.
Then, we turned on some Christmas music (Harry Connick Jr. and Amy Grant – a throw back to my childhood Christmases) and began setting up our Christmas tree.
We took an eggnog (well, Silk nog. LOVE that stuff) and warm cookies break before putting the ornaments on. We then slowly pulled out our gift for Gabe from giftunicorn and truth be told: He loved it. We even finally got the opportunity to use a gift Gabe got last Christmas but was too young to use – the world’s cutest nativity set:
(Yes, he took the angel off the manger’s roof and put the donkey? cow? in its place.)
So, yes. We’re one of those people with our tree up before Thanksgiving and I’m thrilled. The days are grayer and shorter, so I welcome the added twinkle to our days and evenings.
How is Gabe doing with the Christmas tree? He hasn’t gone near it. Not sure if he’s uninterested or scared, since he was pretty much terrified of it when we were setting it up. Mike would try to show him a branch, and he would twist away and clutch his arms to his chest, like so:
He’s a big fan of Christmas cheer.
Oh my gosh! So cute!!! And Jen and I loved his cow on the manger, haha!
/cue baby fever x2 (you and Kerri from yourwishcake… Y’all are killin’ me.)
Your tree looks beautiful, and Gabe is adorable. Love the pics with the lights!
so cute! If I had my own place, I totally would have already had my tree up by now.
I think it’s a GOOD thing Gabe isn’t interested in your tree. Because once he learns all the coolness associated with the tree, you’ll surely have a toppled tree on your hands. =)
We talk about traditions that we want to instill in our family. But, like you last year, Gavin was a lump, so we did nothing. And I’m pretty sure we’re going to be too lazy to do much of anything this year. Nice start to getting some traditions on the book, eh?
Topher was a lump last year too – he just learned how to sit up on his own on Christmas Eve, so we didn’t have to worry about him and the tree. This year, though, he’s into EVERYTHING – I’m absolutely positive that between him and the dog, the bottom half of our tree will have no ornaments left on it within 24 hours of it going up :) Oh well. Finding ornaments in the dog’s bed and Topher’s crib will be fun, right?
I so wish I could put up a tree in my apt.! But we leave for the holidays and don’t come back until after New Years. Sigh. But I do have a tiny blue tree I bought from Borders a few years ago that I put up an decorate every year! The sad part is, I forgot to bring it home with me. Oh well, I guess my mini tree won’t go up until after Thanksgiving after all. (However, I would have totally had it up by now too!)
haha you guys are too cute! love the new traditions and seriously Harry Connick Jr IS Christmas to me. his Christmas albums are just magic, love them so much.
and really, Gabe, the cuteness. never ceases. and i adore it.
I’m so jealous! Your tree is beautiful and Gabe looks like he is loving the cookies! Absolutely adorable :)
Elf is obviously the best Christmas movie ever! Your cookies look delicious and I will try Silk Nog this year since I drink the vanilla stuff year round anyway. I wanted to say I’m Ukrainian and we call those perogies and yes, they are delicious. And that I am not hostile about you getting into the Christmas spirit. I think it’s fantastic!
I think it’s totally ok to have your tree up already… even though I can’t stand the idea that stores have had holiday items out since before Halloween :) I always decorate on Thanksgiving weekend so I’m counting down the days til turkey leftovers and tree trimming!
Looks like so much fun! I love that manger.
I can’t wait until Eli is big enough to get into the Christmas spirit. He’ll be lumping it this year for sure.
I LOVE your blog, and your photos are fantastic! Don’t feel bad about being one of ‘those’ people–who cares?! If it makes you happy and hurts no one, do it. People like to get on their high horses about really silly things :) Be a pre-Thanksgiving Christmas Tree Person, and be proud!
Holidays are 1000 times better when the little ones can come out and play.