Goals time! One huge win of the past few months is developing a regular meditation habit for the first time ever. 🎉 Now, let’s develop some more habits, yes?
Walk 6,000 steps a day. // I have been very sloth-like lately. Plus, I am no longer leaving 3 mornings a week to walk downtown to work while a babysitter comes. Which means that built-in necessary walking time is gone. It’s getting colder and I’ll have to make more of an effort to get walking. Especially since I struggle to find time to do so since I’m in charge of kids for much of the week. (And taking them on a walk is hardly an areobic activity. Looking at you, dwadling 3-year-old). But I will prevail. (And I know, 6,000 steps is not that ambitious. Did I mention sloth-like tendencies?
Journal kids stuff . // I have five-year one sentence journals for each of my kids. The idea is that I write about them every day. The reality is I’ve written it, like, once a month. I tend to tweet the funny things they say, but what if Twitter is gone in 20 years! Where will all the cute and funny memories go?? I want to try to write in them every day. The logistic hurdle I’ve found is that I forget about them when I store them in the cupboard. So I’ll just keep them on the kitchen table and drive myself crazy with more clutter. But achieve this goal! (I hope.)
Plan Christmas budgeting and presents. // Perhaps do cards? Perhaps not. I want to be able to enjoy our December and not feel rushed. We are generally quite low-key about Christmas, but I want to be even lower key. If that’s possbile. Gabe did tell me this week when I mentioned I wanted to do this, “Just don’t buy anything for me and Theo. We already have too much stuff.” HA. I already got the LEGO advent calendar. I’m so excited to give it to them!
Finalize website & blog about it. // It has been a slower business season for me, which gave me the opportunity to finally overhaul my business website. It’s almost finalized, just a few little tweaks to make. I can’t wait to share it!
You could also (if you don’t already have this as a separate thing) involve the kiddos in the journal writing! One of the coolest things my parents did was have me dictate and then eventually write a sentence or two about my day at bedtime. I love being able to look back at what I thought was important when I was in kindergarten.
I am glad to see you blogging again! I always like reading what you write.
Last year we finished Christmas and I confessed to my husband (who does not track our day to day finances- I do) that I had spent more than I should have on gifts. It was impulse buying and wanting to make the season magical for my kids, blah blah blah. He set a reminder in his phone, which came up last weekend: “Discuss Christmas budget with Katherine and set realistic goals”. Ha! I needed that reminder from him, as well as hearing that your boys are a-okay with their toy supply as it is.
Yes!! The impulse to “make Christmas magical” is so real and can wreak havoc on my budget and clutter! I feel you there. I’d even rather just fill their stocking with granola bars and goldfish and Little Debbies than junk I’ll be giving away in a year!