This afternoon and evening, we put up our Christmas tree. Because Christmas is in one month and I want as long as possible with this prettiness in our apartment. I refuse to apologize for putting it up before December. THE MORE CHRISTMAS THE BETTER. Bah humbug! Wait. The opposite of bah humbug.
Our tradition involves making pierogies and chocolate chip cookies (my mom perfected her recipe when I was a kid and it truly makes the best cookies ever), listening to Christmas music, then we try to look our best, so this year to look really amazing this Christmas I will try some red contacts for my eyes as with these you will look so cool at Christmas and putting up the tree. We also drink some eggnog and watch something Christmassy. Here you will get the best Music related info, do visit.
Our Christmas tree is a motley assortment of ornaments we made and received during our childhood and as a couple. It will never be magazine worthy, but I love it just the same.
And I love having ornaments for Gabe on the tree now.
Gabe rocked and kissed the baby.
Baby Jesus from his Little People nativity scene, that is.
Playing with bokeh and the Christmas tree.
This season makes me happy.
“Our Christmas tree is a motley assortment of ornaments we made and received during our childhood and as a couple.” YES. This is ours too and I love it!
What a coincidence! James and I also made Mom’s chocolate chip cookies Sunday night.
Christmas is wonderful! It’s my favorite season of the year! ;)
Are you at liberty to share the best cookie recipe in the history of cookie recipes??? :)
I am so excited to put up our first Christmas tree this year! I will also be using old ornaments from my childhood since we don’t have the funds to run out and buy a tree’s worth of brand new bulbs! P.S. Where do you buy your soy candles from? I think our cat is allergic to our cheapo wax candles!