So yesterday, I did THIS:
I may have hyperventilated when I pulled the trigger and bought the tickets.
The good part:
– We are going to Hawaii!
– We are going on a trip alone together for the first time in 4 years.
The bad part:
– We will have to eat Ramen for the rest of the year.
– We aren’t flying together.
– It’s only for 5 days.
That looks like there’s more bad than good, but the two items in the good REALLY outweigh all the items in the bad.
After years of being so financially responsible it’s disgusting, I decided to use some of our savings to join Mike in Hawaii for 5 days. I still cringe a little thinking about it, but sometimes you have to just throw caution to the wind and buy a freaking ticket to Hawaii, you know?
Mike got a free ticket and hotel room for a psychology conference, so all we’re essentially going to Hawaii for just the cost of my ticket. That sounds more reasonable, yes? What a bargain!
We’re leaving Gabe behind with my parents and siblings, due to 1) said expensive ticket prices and 2) 16- and 17-hour travel days with a 6-hour time difference. Including a 5 hour layover in San Francisco and 6 hours in LA. That sounds like a recipe for a travel hangover for me, let alone for an almost-3-year-old. Mike and I aren’t flying together since I was looking for the lowest ticket price and if I bought tickets with him, it’d have been $300 more. That is $300 we can spend on food in Hawaii!
If you know me or have been reading for awhile, you might have heard me mention before that I spent a semester in Hawaii.
Yep. Four months in paradise. It was probably one of the best decisions of my college career. Aside from the beauty and the warm weather in January, so much changed for me there:
– I started blogging. (I should take that blog down, since it’s full of embarrassing posts like this and this.)
– I became a vegetarian.
– I ran my first race.
– I got a cell phone. (HA.)
– And most of all, I developed a relationship with the man who’d become my husband.
We met four months before I left for Hawaii, but we tried to be just friends. In Hawaii, thousands of miles apart, our relationship blossomed as we spent hours talking on the phone, sending each other long letters and postcards, and chatting online. If I look back at that first blog of mine, he even left comments on it. He supported me as I fretted over friendship situations or whether to change my major. He “walked” me home when I’d get off work at 10 pm (4 am in Ohio!) and would talk to me all the way to be sure I was safe. He became not only someone I had a serious crush on, but a really great friend. And that summer after I got home from Hawaii, we both confessed that we wanted to marry each other someday. Whoa. (Also, WHAT? Ashley, you were 20. TWENTY. Slow down with the marriage talk, little lady.)
It’s sort of odd that our relationship took root in a place that we weren’t in together, but it will be so special to go there after all these years.
This time, with that guy I spent all those hours talking to on the phone.
Ok I have to know, did you work at Coldstone or 24 hour fitness? I think that was such a great decision for you to live there. If I had to change one thing about college it is that I wish I traveled abroad but did not because I had a boyfriend and didn’t think I could leave. Silly me. :)
Where I gained 10 lbs in 2 months. ;) SO GOOD.
I was really worried about not leaving due to a boyfriend, so I told myself not to date anyone for 2 years. Then I met Mike and he was really sad for me to leave, but I had to just go, you know?
Amazing! How fun. Although next time you post something like this, I fully expect ‘Hawaii’ to be replaced by ‘London’! :)
That would be AWESOME. One trip at a time! ;) Maybe Mike will get a free flight to London next?? It was $500 to fly there in 2006…sadly, I think prices have gone up. Ha.
That’s so great!! Have an amazing trip.
Awesome! I hope you have a wonderful trip.
When you were first talking about going to Hawaii, I just thought it was a normal dream vacation, but I had no idea there was so much meaning behind Hawaii!! This is so cool. I’m glad you guys are able to go back together. :)
Thanks! I’m super excited. :)
Yay, I’m so excited for you guys! :) I studied abroad in Australia and some day would love, love, love to go back there and introduce all my favorite spots to Eric. But, that day is probably far away so I hope my favorite spots are still there haha.
We went to Hawaii on our honeymoon. Ah, so beautiful. I can’t wait to see your photos!!!
Ahhh! Enjoy! And good for you for biting the bullet and following your heart :) It can be all too easy to get caught up in the cost of things and whether it’s the “smart” decision or not. Sometimes the smart decision isn’t the one that seems the most responsible. This trip will make memories that saving those pennies wouldn’t have. Can’t wait to see pics!
I completely agree. In a few years, I’ll remember the trip! Otherwise, I’d still be pissed about not going. ;)
Ahhhhh!!! This is going to be amazing!!! I’m sure you did this while you were there for a semester and you may not have time while you’re there this time but if you can go to the Polynesian Culture Center or hike Diamond Head (non-active volcano), you won’t regret either of those choices! So cool you and Mike get to spend time together just the two of you! (You’ll still be Instagramming during the trip, right? RIGHT?!)
Diamond Head for SURE. And Friday night movies on the beach! So many memories. :)
YAY! I’m so thrilled for this whole trip and hearing how it went and seeing your photos! EEP!
(Also… five hour layover in SF? Enough to have lunch/dinner/drink/froyo?)
I am fortunate enough to have been to hawaii also! And since you’ve been there before for a long time I’m sure you know all the awesome places to go. I was surprised at how unimpressive waikiki beach was but just around the other side of the island is where everything gets amazing! How great it would be to go back
Yes! We will have to rent a car to visit some of the other beaches and forests! :)
Oh my goodness! How exciting!!! You will have such a amazing time!
This post gave me goose bumps; I mean, how sweet are you two? I think Hawaii sounds lovely. I’ve never been but hear wonderful things. So excited for you both! Have a great time :)
aw yay you guys are going to have such a great time. and yes sometimes you just have to throw caution to the wind and forget about how much money you don’t have and oh, goodness. have so much fun!
also your 4am chats with Mike and saying you want to marry each other is just so precious. love that your relationship truly blossomed when you were so far apart, aw, love. ha.
How exciting! Sounds like you and your hubby are in need of a little getaway, and now you’re finally going to get it. So happy for you!
Awwww, how lovely that your husband and your relationship started in Hawaii! Hope your 5 days is very well spent and your hubs doesn’t need to spend the entire day at the conference.
I think it’s totally fitting that you are taking your first couple-only trip to Hawaii, the place that launched you into coupledom in the first place! If Gabe ever complains, you just remind him that if it wasn’t for Hawaii, there would be no Gabe. =D