This recipe is the result of running five miles (what was I thinking, signing up for another half marathon?!) and picking a lot of tomatoes, onions, and basil out of our garden on Sunday morning. Gabe and I got up to the apartment and I wanted something delicious, protein-filled, and quick. And voilà! This is like a summer scrambled tofu. And it is delicious.
(Deconstructed is just a fancy way of saying “I was too lazy to actually make pesto, I just threw all the ingredients in there.”)
By the way, my tomato plants seem to have some sort of disease, which means their days are numbered. And I had a red pepper rot on the vine. I am definitely not the best gardener, but I really love when I can use things I’ve grown in the garden in the meals I eat. It just feels so empowering. Even when all I have is a few scrawny tomato plants, I am still amazed when I can actually eat something I grew. Call me a city girl, but it’s so cool.
It supposed to serve 2-4 people, but Mike and I quickly gobbled it up and Mike said he could have eaten eight times more (in his defense, he ran ten miles before he ate. So.). It isn’t the prettiest meal, but it makes a great brunch or lunch on a summer day. The mixture of textures and flavors is fantastic, and it is filling yet light.
Deconstructed Pesto Tofu with Grape Tomatoes
(adapted from Vegan Brunch)
olive oil
1 small onion, chopped (I used three tiny ones – but I am an onion enthusiast)
1 cup grape tomatoes
1 pound extra firm tofu, drained and cubed
3 garlic cloves crushed
⅓ cup pine nuts or walnuts
a handful or two of fresh basil (I freeze basil from my garden so it’s like fresh)
½ teaspoon salt (I used half a teaspoon with a big pinch)
1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
What a coincidence! I have a garden plot at work and used tomatoes and basil from my garden last night to make spaghetti with homemade pasta sauce. I wish I had my own onions to have used in it. I also made baked breaded zucchini for the first time– it tastes so much better than produce from the store and satisfying because I grew it. I love that feeling.
mmmmmmm……am addicted to grape tomatoes! Trader Joe’s has the best ones that are actually affordable! Also, I have a black thumb and can’t grow anything edible, so these are definitely better than other store bought tomatoes.