Internet, I know you. I know you are smart and interesting and full of opinions and experiences. And I know you are helpful and stuff.
Big huge comfy stroller:
Itty bitty umbrella stroller:
The bad part is: there is no storage at all, the sun shade is pathetic, and it doesn’t recline (reclining is awesome when Gabe falls asleep on a walk…I can sometimes squeeze a nap out of him if I play my cards right.). Also, Mike can’t push this without hunching over. (Look at me, including my husband’s needs in my evaluation of a stroller. It’s so selfless! And considerate!)
Since we didn’t buy either of these strollers (hand-me-down and gift yay!), I’ve decided that we if we can find our perfect stroller, we’ll splurge and buy one.
– less than $100…okay, $150 (big spenderrrs)
– cup holders (allowing for caffeine containment)
– not heavy or unwieldy (allowing for my pathetic upper body strength)
– reclining seat
– basket storage (I have books to get from the library and a vegetables from the farmer’s market, like a good little hippie yuppie.)
– tall enough for Mike (he also adds, “I should be able to throw it 20 feet.” Mmm kay.)
– legit sunshade
Hey Ashley –
I dno’t know if you’ve found your perfect stroller, but I just ran into a neighbor who has the Joovy Scooter and it sounds like everything you are looking for and more. Umbrella like in it’s size but travel system like in the way it strolls and with an AWESOME basket for the Farmer’s Market. Annnnd. It’s $100.
I love it for my kids.