I was going through the survey responses (thank you so much for taking the time to complete it!) to start to work on some blog post plans and ideas and an editorial calendar (ooh, fancy) when I thought it would be fun to look back 2.5 years ago and compare the answers then and now.
What did I learn?
Well, first: you guys still want to talk about money & frugal living and motherhood, but interest in minimalism has doubled! This might be related to the fact that lot of people come to my site now via Project 333, the wardrobe minimalism experiment I embarked on a few years ago (and kept!).
Most of the write in responses involved wanting to hear more about travel and trips. Which…means I need to take more of those, right? Clearly.
Less men are reading:
TWO men responded. TWO! And I know at least two men who read, so maybe it’s just that they’re getting less likely to take my silly survey? ;)
We’re all getting older:
And more of us are becoming parents
But more than half of you guys aren’t parents – which I love!
Why did I want to do a survey again? Aside from wanting to check in with you on topics you enjoy, I also wondered if there was any interest in me covering design/career/business. I’ve been toying with the idea of how to talk about businessy/work stuff on the blog, so it was helpful to hear what you’re interested in (mostly wanting to hear my own struggles/journey and from other moms who’ve done this!). To be perfectly honest, it’s often difficult to explain the two parts of my online life – “Well, I have this blog that I write about simple living and being a mom and I ALSO design websites for individuals and businesses.” I’m always trying to think of natural ways to make my life simpler and find some overlap between the two. So! Thanks for taking part in the survey and look for some new content soon!
I love surveys, even just looking at responses. The gender one made me laugh, such a tiny fraction of guys this time around! I wanted to comment and say that I still love tutorials, but every topic you listed is good. I didn’t get to take the survey, so I had to put in my vote for tutorials!
This is cool to see the results and how they changed from 3 years ago. I love surveys and analyzing results haha I’m such a nerd :)
Ha! Clearly I’m a nerd, too, since I made little graphics out them and everything!