How far along? 26 weeks 4 days. How big is baby? 14 inches and 1.75 lbs. Who knows what vegetable they’re comparing it to now. Total weight gain: +17 lbs (Um. Three pounds more than with Gabe at this point. Will this not be a little peanut baby like he was??) Updates: I passed my glucose test, whichRead the whole post >>
24 Weeks
How far along? 24 weeks. How big is baby? A little bigger. I dunno. A foot-ish and more than a pound and bigger than my hand, apparently: Total weight gain: +12 pounds. Feels like way more the way my body is reacting to it. Updates: 24 weeks is touted as “viability,” so that’s cool. Survival rates are stillRead the whole post >>
22 Weeks.
How far along? 22 weeks. How big is baby? 11 inches and 1 pound – a spaghetti squash, apparently. Total weight gain: + 7 pounds? My scale battery died this week. Updates: Pretty uneventful lately, which is how I like it. I had to swap out more non-maternity shirts and I made a list of “things to buyRead the whole post >>
Pregnancy after Loss.
The number of ultrasounds and pregnancy tests this time was a little crazy. And this doesn’t even include the 20-week ultrasound… I want to write this all down before I get any further. Because it might help someone in early pregnancy after pregnancy loss and because I want to remember how I’m feeling. It’s superRead the whole post >>
20 Weeks.
What’s going on inside my uterus this week? Why, I thought you’d never ask! How far along? 20 weeks. How big is baby? 11 ounces! The same weight as the half-eaten box of couscous in our kitchen. (We weighed everything in our kitchen until we found something that was 11 ounces. “It’s heavier than this bottle of white mochaRead the whole post >>