I love where I live, but celebrities don’t hang out here. Like, ever. It’s a small city in northeast Ohio, why would they?
Yesterday, though, something crazy happened.
Gabe and I already were having a great morning – we went to Krispy Kreme and tried hot donuts for the first time. (Apparently a “free hot sample” is an ENTIRE donut. So we ordered two donuts, got two free. Dangerous.)
We headed over to Starbucks to get some coffee. A guy opened the door for us and let us go in front of him.
A guy who looked very familiar.
“Uh, you can go in front me,” I told him. He insisted, but I awkwardly insisted more. I NEEDED TO CREEP.
I thought he looked and sounded exactly like Henry Spencer from one of our favorite TV shows, Psych. (Which is, by the way, one of the best shows – hilarious and mystery. You should watch it.) I knew his name was Corbin Bernsen, so I snapped a ton of photos before remembering my camera app was too full to take photos. Of course.
So I took a photo in Instagram, like the serious creeper I am:
I noticed his car keys had a rental car key chain (how very Psych of me, yes?). (And he bought the local newspaper. How adorable, right?) He might just be…
When he grabbed his coffee and turned around, I stopped him.
“Are you…?” I started.
He nodded and smiled. “I am.”
WHAT. Butterflies in my stomach.
“You’re on Psych?“
“So what are you doing here?”
“I went to an Akron Aeros game last night.” (The Aeros are the minor league baseball team.)
“Just came in town to catch an Aeros game? Totally normal.” I joked.
“Well, my character in Major League [something about baseball, I didn’t pay enough attention because I was just thinking, “HOW IS THIS HAPPENING?”]”
“Awesome. Well, we love your show. Enjoy your time here!”
Then, shaking, I ordered our coffees. Corbin was still doctoring up his coffee when I went to put cream in ours. So, of course, I had to talk to him again. Told him he’s a fantastic actor. He was so friendly and told me to “Have a beautiful day.”
He left and the baristas started squealing. “I’m so glad you asked him! I thought that was him!” I was the only person who had talked to him. (I wanted to ask for a photo with him, but well, my camera app was full. LAME.)
Just like when we spotted Oscar from The Office in LA, I was so glad I actually saw a star from a show that I love. And this time, I was actually brave enough to say something.
Celebrity sightings are always surreal, but seeing a celebrity in my local Starbucks is probably the craziest I’ve ever had.
What are the odds that I got there at the exact same time as him? What are the odds he’d go to the Starbucks I always go to? Bizarre.
Crazy! I know that Starbucks, it’s right by our house! My only celeb sighting was seeing Chris Harrison on the flight to our honeymoon this Spring!
That’s really awesome you were able to spot him and you love his show. My biggest celebrity spotting was Levar Burton and I had to keep from bear hugging the man.
Ever since I read your comment, the theme song for “Reading Rainbow” has been stuck in my head. Ha.
AH! That’s so awesome. I love Psych. One of our most favorite shows. Glad to hear he’s nice in person :)
That’s awesome! My husband and I LOVE Psych. I feel like it’s one of the less sexy more wholesome shows out there (even if it is about murder and what not).
Matt Damon was in our city last week, Lincoln, NE. Kind of weird. I didn’t get to see him though…
I totally thought that was Bruce Willis based solely on the photo. I love meeting famous people, and I love even more when they are genuinely nice people, despite the fame. :)
You’re right! It totally looks like him from that creeper angle!
as you know, i love a good celebrity sighting and this is just adorable. glad he was so nice and you said hi! so fun!
Also! Just realized who he is and yes he’s in Major League, where he plays for the Cleveland Indians so I’m curious if he had some appearance at the Akron game? Or if you know, he’s just become a fan over the years, ha.
I saw some photos of him wearing an Indians jersey at the game…so I’m not sure if he was filming something? Oh wait! I found out: they were doing a Roger Dorn night. :)
It’s funny, I’ve lived in and around NYC for six years and I have such a hard time noticing celebs but an ex-roommate was here 3 months and she saw them ALL THE TIME. I think I’m just totally oblivious to them or they are really good at hiding! You have a good eye!
I might not have noticed if he didn’t open the door for me and I had to look at him! :)
I wonder if he’s in town for the Derby…he did the movie about the Soapbox Derby and the Derby festivities kick off this weekend. That’s so cool!! :)
This is SO cool!!! And how awesome that he was SO nice!! :)
Lol, that is so crazy and awesome!
OMG I LOVE Psych! I’m so jealous of your star encounter!
How fun! I love Psych too- how interesting that he is wearing simular clothes to those he wears in the show. He looks just like Henry!
Ha! That’s so true. :) I didn’t even think of that.
Yay! New Design! Love it :)
Hahaha, your play-by-play was endearing. Who says you have to play it cool when you meet celebs? I don’t watch Psych, but I did watch him in LA Law … which was on probably before you were born. ha!
This is so cool! I don’t watch Psych, so I don’t know who he is, but I love me some Akron Aeros. :) I met a celeb in a Starbucks this year, too! Good place for that.