I have seen this circulating the internet so much I can’t even properly attribute where it came from. I enjoyed reading what others have said and decided to share my own four decisions.
I am really awful at decisions, so the mere fact that decisions were made is an accomplishment for me. In no particular order, here are the five best decisions I’ve made as an adult:
Spending a semester in Hawaii.
Chaminade University of Honolulu
I spent four glorious months in Honolulu, Hawaii during my sophomore year of college. It was incredibly wonderful – not only because it was a GORGEOUS PLACE with amazing weather and I went to the beach multiple times a week, but also because I became incredibly self-sufficient and independent. I was already living half a world away from my family, with them in Malaysia and me in Ohio, so being far away from all my college friends and extended family forced me even further outside of my comfort zone. I started blogging there, became a vegetarian, and ran my first 5K. I cannot wait to go back. It’s an island of magical possibility. Or something.
Not becoming an elementary school teacher.
After three years of college courses in early childhood education, I changed my major at the end of my junior year. I had an inkling all along the teaching small children wasn’t for me (just because you like kids doesn’t mean you should have thirty of them in a classroom, Ashley). I managed to still graduate in four years, and my degree in religious studies afforded me several fantastic job experiences – I’ve been an after-school educator and volunteer coordinator at an environmental education center, a service coordinator for low-income students at a university, a service and social justice coordinator at a high school, and I am currently an office manager at a high school. The variety of work environments, clientele, and hours really taught me a lot about my preferences in a work place.
Quitting my job during maternity leave.
If I had not quit my job, I would be commuting more than two hours each day to a job I loved. It was a hard decision to leave a wonderful school and a wonderful position, but I simply cannot imagine being away from Gabe that much. And as luck would have it, a perfect part-time job fell into my lap after spending three fun months as a Starbucks barista. Quitting my job was a financial gamble and a leap of faith, but I am so happy with where we have landed. We are far from financially comfortable (we took at 40% pay cut), but we are so much happier.
Pursing my design passion.
Everything from taking classes on design and web development at a community college to starting Little Leaf last summer has been an incredible journey in acknowledging where my talents and passions lie. I was surprised when I started my Etsy shop how much of an entrepreneurial spirit I had. When I decided to explore my affinity for graphic design, I immediately felt a sense of purpose.
Noticeably missing: becoming a wife and mother, but those were an obvious answer. Runners up: going on a cross-country road trip, becoming interested in politics, doing post-graduate service (AmeriCorps – a big shout out to a fantastic program!) , and starting this blog.
I think the best decision of my adult life was moving from my rural hometown in Connecticut to Chicago. Being away from my family and friends really forced me to figure out who I was, what I wanted and how I was going to get it. I was also able to prove to myself that I could stand on my own two feet without much help from anyone, which I feel is so important. And, I met my husband out here — bonus!
Chicago is just such a great city! :) I think the independence thing is so key for so many of us. Thanks for sharing!
My big two (besides getting married) are:
Moving to Japan for 2 months with the family I nannied for in Florida
Going to college out of state
Staying in California while my husband deployed (versus going back home like many do)
…basically my best decisions go hand in hand with my independence level. Which I love!
Wow, moving to Japan as a nanny? That is SO cool! What a great opportunity.
Your list is empowering in SO many ways! :) Your decisions are huge! and awesome! :)
We just finished up our 12-weeks of Bradley classes and I feel SO empowered to know so much about the whole process. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still terrified of labor and delivery. But I at least know how and why my body is capable of bringing this baby into the world in a natural and healthy way!
I was worried that 12 weeks would be too many – but it was so helpful for both Mike and I. I’m glad you found it helpful, too! (And yes, I was terrified of childbirth up until the last day…and then I went into labor and I had no time for fear. ;))
I love this. Ok, here are mine, just off the top of my head:
1) Moving out of Minnesota. Nothing against MN (I LOVE my hometown/state), but moving to Colorado and Oregon have been such amazing experiences, that deciding to move around is easily one of these decisions.
2a) Starting my blog.
2b) Deciding to stop blogging anonymously.
2c) Breaking the food/travel blog out separately from the personal blog.
3) Entering a travel blogger’s contest for free plane tickets. Because I won, and I leave for Costa Rica on Sunday.
4) Being honest with myself about the fact that I don’t like walking in heels and getting rid of all of them. Wedges, I kept.
5) I have never missed a single thing I’ve thrown out or donated in a fit of de-cluttering. So, ALL of those decisions.
Oh, I love your answers! :) Thanks for sharing.
1 – Moving is always a great experience, even if it tells you where you DON’T want to live.
2 – Blogging FTW.
3 – WHAT. I didn’t realize you won tickets!! That is amazing.
4 – Same. So freeing. Perhaps I should try wedges!
5- So true.
I haven’t seen this yet and it’s a very cool idea! It’s awesome that you spent a semester in Hawaii- I went to Australia and it was definitely a life changing experience :) I swear being an elementary school teacher isn’t all bad, haha.
Oh, I think being an elementary school teacher is awesome! I just wouldn’t have made a very good one! Ha. So I’m thankful for the kids’ sakes. ;)
Studying abroad is so fantastic. In faux-broad like Hawaii. ;)
Goodness I love your blog :) I remember starting to follow you right when you got pregnant with Gabe and I’ve loved watching him grow and all of you change!
My question: How did working with/for AmeriCorps go? I’m considering working for them after I get my BA and hopefully I’ll work in the state where my future graduate school will be. My interests range but mainly I like working in communities and just generally helping however I can. What do you think? Would you recommend it?
My 5 best decisions ever made in my whole life are (and in no particular order):
1. moving back to my home city, Melbourne (after spending almost a decade in Queensland),
2. getting my law degree,
3. this might sound odd, given item one, but here goes – moving away from home when I was 19, I moved interstate, 3000km away! (it was great to become independent, it stregnethened my relationship with my parents
4. divorcing my ex husband (he wasn’t good for me), and
5. getting therapy for my anxiety disorder – fabulous decision!
6. can i add a sixth? pleeeease! living on my own for a while – just a splendid thing to do (after divorce) – my own oasis :)
thanks for this
Thanks for this post :)
I really enjoyed reading your article.