See, rounded corners even make old onions and rotten apple cores pretty! (What’s that? The snow helps? NO! It’s all the rounded corners! Lah lah lah I can’t hear you.)
Composting. It can be stinky, messy, and gross, I won’t lie.
But! It’s ridiculously easy, makes some awesomely potent garden juice, and reduces your waste.
There’s some science behind it, which I never bothered to learn – but basically, put food waste (well, raw fruit and veggie scraps), yard waste, and/or dryer lint in a pile and let it sit. Rotate it every once and a while. And it turns into dirt. Or some sort of natural fertilizer, I’m not quite sure….Let me consult my sources. Oh, Mike says it’s both. Sweet mother, who wouldn’t want some rich topsoil? Sign me up.
(Okay, so I don’t actually have a yard that I can plant in. But I’m sure the future tenants of this house will appreciate the rich topsoil that’s coming their way.)
What works for us:
- We tried a big pile at first, and that was no bueno, so Mike took some chicken wire and some wooden stakes and whipped up up a nifty little compost pile. (You could also buy a fancy pants compost bin or tumbler. But we do things on the cheap ’round these parts.)
- We have a few old yogurt containers in the kitchen: we keep some scraps in there until we can take them out to the pile out back.
- Every few months, we stick a shovel or pitchfork in the pile and mix it up a little to aerate it.
Pretty easy, right? And it makes a huge difference in the trash we have to throw away each week.
Do you compost? Do you know anyone who composts? Does the idea gross you out?
Read here the Suppleplant suggestions for home gardening.
Just read this! HAHA! We just moved into an apartment. I haven’t lived in one in years. I just started my compost pile on my balcony in a plastic bin. I keep everything in an old pitcher I’ve had for a while then throw it in the bin when the pitcher gets full. Because of the gnats I might need to move it to my sister’s that lives up the street from me. I’m not sure about those little annoying creatures getting into my house, however, I can’t stop myself. It bothers me so much to throw all those coffee grounds, tea grounds and fruit/veggie tidbits away.
You could try worm composting! We have this on our balcony now. Of course, if your sister has a compost and lives close…that might be easier! :)