Less Stuff, More Life.
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Oh no!! Maybe you’ll find it. When I was younger, I remember running errands with my mom and sisters. We lived on a farm miles from nowhere, so “running errands” was an all-day event that involved more than one city.
As we were sitting at a special pizza place (I think my mom had bribed us to be good), I noticed that the diamond in her ring was gone. I remember being so sad for her, and I remember her trying not to panic. We told the owner what had happened, and he promised to keep an eye out for it.
We’d been EVERYWHERE that day. Literally miles and miles had been covered.
When we got home, my grandma called and told my mom that she’d found the most curious thing. She was sweeping her kitchen floor and noticed something sparkly and picked it up…it was MY MOM’S DIAMOND!!
What are the odds?
So, I know how sick you feel…but you’re right. The important part is there with you, and who knows? You may find your ring after all…
I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your engagement ring. I hope that it finds its way back to you soon.
I am paranoid about my engagement ring too. I didn’t even wear it on our honeymoon-we took a cruise and I was not about to lose it in the Caribbean. Next month we are going to Las Vegas for a family vacation and I don’t think I’m wearing it then either.
Oh, my goodness. While reading this I could just feel your panic – I’ve had that rush of, “Ohmigosh. Where did I leave my ring? Were? WHERE?” sooo many times. Luckily, my absentmindedness (if that’s actually a word) hasn’t yet gotten the best of me. Yet.
I truly hope yours turns up! Your sense of loss has nothing to do with you being materialistic. There’s so much emotion tied to an engagement ring…so much significance. So, I don’t blame you for being sad.
What an incredible guy you have, though, to reassure you that it’s just a thing – and not making you feel bad for something you had no control over.
Do you ever read whoorl.com? She was at the beach one day and lost the diamond ring her hubby got for her when she had their son. She FLIPPED out and looked on the beach for hours, even finally rented a metal detector. She eventually found it buried under a whole heap of sand, and she had no idea how it possibly was down that deep.
So, there is still hope for you and your lovely ring – I really hope it turns up!
Oh gosh.. I really hope you’re able to find it.
Gasp! Ohmygoodness! I am so sorry! I would definitely check pawn shops, and I would also call the police department and see if you can file a report. If someone turns it in at least you’ll have a way to verify. “I’m so sorry” doesn’t really seem to cut it, but I truly am feeling a knot in my stomach over your loss.
gahh. omg i am so sorry. i dont have an engagement ring (though, let’s be honest here, i desperately want one) but somehow i can completely feel your pain. as i read this i felt a pit in my stomach. you have every right to be sad- heck, i am sad for you. i am going to think happy thoughts for you- i REALLY hope you get it back somehow!
ps- how did the blind date go for the other couple?
Gosh how sad!! I’m sure you will find it, you have to! Don’t you hate how you are like I only went from here to here. How can it be lost?
On a side note, kayaking?? that’s awesome!
usually you end those stories with… “and then i found it under my bed 3 weeks later” or “and then someone emailed me to say they had my ID card after i lived for 2 weeks off of pudding packs and cereal.” at least we have matching wedding rings. and yes, do file a police report. and see if your renter’s insurance will cover it. and call the park center (or wherever you are) and make a report. glad you’re keeping your head up.
ps= mike is a keeper. i like him.
Oh hon, I am so sad for you!! That is one of my greatest fears, and I’m so sorry it happened to you :( I still have a strong feeling that it will turn up again, and even if it doesn’t, I think you learned something really great about how truly amazing your fiance is. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!!
Aw, sorry about that! Your hubby is a sweetie. I said a prayer to St. Anthony that it will turn up. Here’s a hopeful story: A co-worker lost her engagement ring, couldn’t find it anywhere, and her husband got a her a replacement. A *year* later it turned up in a *file folder* in the office. You just never know.
P.S. I love kayaking AND white gold.
Oh Ash. I am SO VERY SORRY. I am literally crying for you. I know how much it meant, but for Mike to be so understanding shows how lucky you are to have such a fantastic man in your life. Some people never get two great things in their life like a ring and a great husband. You got both and you were left with the better of the two.
Ashley, I’m so sorry. I really hope it pops up somewhere!
Also, am huge dork. Husband, not fiance–I’m having a spacey day! ;)
Oh dear, I saw your Tweet yesterday and now reading your post I feel just sick for you. I’m so sorry but I’m glad Mike had an okay reaction it and you’re looking on the positive side. I hope it turns up.
my heart hurts for you right now. hurts.
i’m so sorry you are going through this right now.
here’s a story for you. my cousin lost a ring in the ocean on summer. distraught and said (it was her grandmothers) she gave up looking for it. the next day we were in the same beach area playing around and my cousin felt something on her big toe. it was the ring. what are the odds??
i pray something like this happens to you. i still think you should go rent a metal detector!
im sorry again ashley.
Oh man, I am so sorry for you–of course it’s just a thing but it’s one of those rare and few SPECIAL things. I hope it turns up–you might try looking for it on Craigslist or eBay too. And you’re SURE it’s not in your pockets?! You know it’s amazing how many nooks and crannies there are in pockets these days; I’m sure you’ve already checked them thoroughly, but you never know :) Hang in there–I hope hope hope you find it!
How awful!!!
Did you have insurance on it? If not, I definitely would the next time around.
BTW, you are absolutely RIGHT about not having to have the big ring, it’s about the man you are marrying not the ring on your finger. Too many females get caught up in the ring and the wedding and forget the purpose behind all of it!
Oh gosh. That is horrible. I really hope that it turns up. But you’re right. You still have each other and you still have your band.
You may find it. I’ll be hoping for the best.
Awe. I hope more than anything you find it.
You have such a perfect man though, reassuring you it’s okay? That is amazing.
Good luck!
I am sooo sorry.. I feel horrible for you! But I will keep hope that you will still find it.. I think you and your hubby both have a positive attidue about the situation.. And hey – a bigger diamond to come, not too bad..
But I know it’s sad for you – I will keep you in my thoughts and pryaers that somehow you may find it! Love you!!
Casual Perfectionist: What a story!! Maybe mine WILL pop up…who knows?
Mrs. P: Wow, you’re cautious…I could learn from you! haha
Wishcake: I’m so absentminded. I take my rings off at home all the time to do dishes and stuff — but never in public. BIG MISTAKE. Learn from me!
I do read Whoorl…and because of you guys, I decided to rent a metal detector after all. No luck. :( Booo.
Deutlich: Thanks, me too.
Heidikins: Thanks for the commiserating! Taking your advice, I DID call the police department. *fingers crossed*
Crystal: Haha, I’m sure you’ll get one soon! :) The blind date was…okay. The girl was a little stand-offish (aka: I don’t see a future there), but we still had fun!
Steph Corwin: Yes! I dooo hate that feeling. How annoying! (To understate it…) Kayaking was freaking awesome. I LOVED IT.
Eileen: You made me laugh. :) I did lose my ID like a bajillion times. I hope this turns up, too….
Wickedly Scarlett: I have an amazing husband. It’s true. (haha -and by the way, you have a right to be spacey!!)
Kate P: I hope it just turns up. SO BAD. C’mon, St. Anthony!!
Tipp: That is just so sweet I don’t know what to do with myself. I am blessed. (Not lucky, blessed…)
Jamie: Thanks, me too!!
Bayjb: I had a period of being really sad, but now I’m just annoyed and resigned. C’est la vie.
Alexa: That is INSANE. I want to have a story like that. How cool would I be!? Cool.
Callina: I’ve started looking on craigslist…I don’t even know what I would do if I saw it on there. Probably freak out.
Auburn Kat: Insurance…nope. We have nothing valuable except our car, so we have no insurance to speak of. Oops. Next time around… (especially with my absentminded track record!) And thanks for being with me on the big ring. We’re right. ;-)
Ashley: Ugh, right?! At least I’m still married! And I still have a ring! I just need perspective – worse things could have happened!
Heartbreaker: I know – He’s great. :)
Dana: Thanks, sweetie. You’re awesome!
omg, this is horribly sad! what a good hubby you have with his reassuring words. so sweet.
i’m sorry tho, i just can’t imagine, i hope it turns up somehow.
I stumbled across your blog and it hit so close to home that I had to comment. I lost mine six months back (my hubby and I have been married for 12 years) and was just devastated. He had proposed on a Valentine’s Day and given me a heart shaped stone which I thought was so incredibly special and romantic. Just recently I have been “ok” with replacing it and have given up my search. I decided to keep it simple myself and selected a white gold six-prong classic for under $600.00 http://www.brilliantearth.com/heart-engagement-rings/ Although it will never replace my original ring, I’m thrilled and do really love it in a “different way.”