Someone commented on my last, let’s-just-try-a-break post that they would eagerly await my triumphant return. Sorry to disappoint.
I’d expected to come back bragging about my new zen-like, peaceful life with clutter-free floors, a job under my belt, life figured out, and a flat stomach. Alas, my house is still messy, I’ve fruitlessly applied to a dozen jobs, and I still tend to prefer Candy Cane Joe Joes to running.
I’m on my way there, though. Honestly. I chose cuddling with Mike during a movie instead of crafting (I have issues with doing nothing. I love multi-tasking FAR too much to be healthy). I chose cleaning instead of wasting time on Twitter. I chose going to bed instead of staying up on the computer. I learned so much in my graphic design class. I wrote with pen and paper in a real journal. I went to my little sister’s retreat and hugged her. I made a bag which I’m in love with. I babysat my cousins. Twice. (see: photo above.) I grew my design business. I spent time with my siblings and parents. I drank tea, I did yoga, and I spent as much time in the sunshine as possible.
Here’s to a well-balanced life.
PS: I missed writing. I’m never leaving you, Little Blog. :)
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