– Was sleeping terribly but has slept better the last few nights, giving me hope for getting more than a few hours of broken sleep at night. Sleep matters so much, which I alway forget until I’m not getting it.
– Is rolling around like crazy, lifting up his little hips and trying so hard to move around. I think he’ll be crawling long before Gabe did! (I said I wasn’t going to compare them, but HA yeah right can’t avoid it).
– Seems to be in a lot of pain from teething. I have an amber necklace, Tylenol, Camilla drops, these teething tablets, baby orajel, and this awesome raspberry teether that I just keep throwing everything at him and hoping it works. Poor buddy.
– Has a favorite person and his name is Gabe. I am already not his favorite person anymore *weep* I GAVE YOU LIFE, CHILD. (Crazy future mother-in-law, party of one)
– Still swaddled with no exit strategy.
– Has the cutest gummy smile. It makes my day to see him smile.
– Looks like Mike somehow even though everyone also says Gabe looks like Mike and did I have no role in the genes of these children?
– Pulls a blanket or clothes or whatever over his face until he can’t breathe, then yanks it off, smiling and gasping for air. This baby is a thrill seeker already. WHAT.
(Theo is totally looking at Gabe, not the book. OBSESSED.)
– Booked tickets to fly to Puerto Rico in two months and will spend the next two months fretting over bringing a baby on an airplane. What if he hates it? What if he screams the whole time? What if everyone hates me? Etc. But the lure of warm weather makes me okay.
– Think that adding a second baby has been harder on our marriage than just one.
– Am tired.
– Have become that person who thinks “Whoa! Just having a baby is so easy!” when Gabe is gone. I hated when people would tell me that when I “just” had baby Gabe around because WTF THIS IS HARD. But I guess you adjust to whatever you’re in and now “just” having Theo means I am only dealing with one set of needs and not two different developmental levels or discipline.
– Am only a few pounds away from my pre-Theo weight, but still much…softer than pre-Theo. I saw pictures from our trip to Hawaii a few months before I got pregnant with him and I’m like, “I looked like that??”
– Have days where I think, “Maybe I should get a full-time job and work more” and other days where I’m like, “It’s too hard to work, maybe I should quit and just stay home.” In reality, the amount of work that I do is just right for me at this stage of life. It’s just hard. And most of the time I think I should quit is when I’m trying to work and parent at the same time and goodness knows that doesn’t work (for me).
– Am so, so tired. Have I mentioned that?
– Am having a harder time with his older brother and I think it might be because of my divided attention and not only because his older brother is pushing boundaries like WHOA. It’s a lot harder to respond with empathy and love when you’re exhausted and trying to soothe a screaming baby.
serious side eye
with the largest sweet potato of all time
Just wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you. I’m VERY familiar with that tiredness, lack of sleep, balancing work, struggling with patience with the older sibling thing. It’s tough. At least they are super cute, right?
Them together is my favorite and makes up for my feeling terrible about not being able to respond well!
His side eye is pretty amazing, ha. Also love how much he’s loving Gabe, that is too precious. And hurray for Puerto Rico, that’ll be so fun, even if you are stressed about flying with the wee one.
4.5 hours of baby screaming is doable for sunshine, right? ;)
Sigh… he is so cute and I love, love Theo and Gabe together, but I don’t know if I can ever do 2 ha ha. I thought having 1 kid was both hard and hard on our marriage, so…god help me with 2.
But, Puerto Rico YAY!
I think it was easier for us to adjust to one, because someone could take a break while the other took the baby. Now we each take one child and get bitter because NO ONE GETS A BREAK. (Do I sound bitter? Ha.)
These pics of Theo want me have another baby right now! Too cute!!
So much of what you write sounds so familiar. Been there, done that — my kids are a little older than yours. Hang in there, and be gentle to yourself.
Theo won’t scream on the airplane. Take it from an experienced mom who has been taking her kids on several long distance flights, starting at 2 months old. It will be OK :)
“This baby is a thrill seeker already. WHAT.” Hahahaha love that line!
He’s so sweet and I love that you’re real and honest when you post these updates! Also, love how obsessed Theo is with Gabe!
Theo has the best expressions! Topher has been Ellie’s favourite since Day 1 – she has never cared that I gave her life and sustained her for the first nine months, Big Brother has always been the most important person in her world! She even learned how to say “Budder” before she could say “Mama” … so yeah.
We flew across the country with Ellie when she was about 5 months old and she did fine, she just nursed and slept and made friends with everyone around her! She fussed for one flight on the way home but everyone around us was very understanding!