– Got his first tooth and his second tooth is right behind.
– Is far more mobile than Gabe at this age. He’s thisclose to army crawling. He’s done it a few times and I yelp at him to stop. Stunting my children’s development since 2010! He’s rolled off the bed twice (Oops.) He can roll over while swaddled, which is probably my biggest obstacle to sleep. Because he also can’t sleep not swaddled. It’s an issue.
– Totally gave up pacifiers last month. Still doesn’t take a bottle. Everything is terrible.
Got very sick this month. Twice. He had croup and an ear infection, then a few days of health before he had a crazy high fever for a few days (and nights). Sleep-wise, it’s been rough.
– Is playing more with toys. And the sibling fighting over toys has arrived! What are baby brothers for if not to steal your toys, amiright?
– Had a nice first Christmas since he got healthy just in time! First Christmases aren’t nearly as fun or exciting as fifth Christmases, though.
– Hates: medicine, sleeping unswaddled, and cutting teeth. Loves: nursing, Gabe, an animatronic snoopy toy, looking at trees, and watching the West Wing with us. Uninterested in: food, sleeping through the night, or sitting for long periods of time (“Let me scoot!”)
– Am a mere one pound away from my pre-Theo weight. Considering I usually gain a few pounds over the holidays, this is no small feat. Working out works!
– Feel 100% back to my pre-pregnancy self most of the time. Physically, mentally, work-wise, all of it. I took on a lot of work projects this month – more than I should, which I do from time to time – but I know that I’m feeling back to normal when I do that. It means the rest of my life feels manageable enough to bite off more than I can chew. Then get super stressed and snap at everyone. It’s a super great plan.
– Am still QUITE nervous about flying in a month to Puerto Rico. Flying with a baby who spent the last month being sick and screamy off and on is legitimately terrifying. I start to worry about him on the plane, then get worry about him spending our whole vacation sick and screamy. (Plus, I am already stressed about all the prep leading up to the trip and MY AREN’T VACATIONS RELAXING?)
– Am still struggling a lot with his big brother. I’m still not sure if I’m doing everything wrong or if it’s just a phase/age or his adjustment to having a sibling or what. But Mike and I are getting frustrated to the point of pulling out our hair on a daily basis. It’s tiring for the whole family, on top of the baby screaming extravaganza. Then you add in work and a messy house and trying to spend time as a couple and, well, I’m hoping this vacation is really healing for all of us.
– Will be spending my first night alone with two kids when Mike goes out of town for an on-campus job interview in a few weeks. YAY FOR A JOB INTERVIEW.
Just yes to all of this, I feel you.
Girl, you make cute kids. :)
Thank you for your honesty. We have a 5.5 month old and a almost 4 year old and We’re also struggling with a lot of frustration with our older one. Not sure if it’s a phase, adjustment to the baby or just our sleep deprivation. But it feels reassuring to know that we aren’t the only ones!! I really enjoy reading your blog!!
What a doll! He is adorable. You are doing a wonderful job balancing it all. (From a mom of 3 boys)
How is he six months old already? Wow! He’s such a cutie :) We’re struggling with Topher these days too. I’m hoping it’s just the age but I got a stack of parenting books out from the library just in case!
He is the CUTEST six-month-old. :) Hopefully Gabe is just going through a phase… good luck, there! And I hope the campus visit goes well!!! What field is he in? My husband is going through the campus-visit job hunt right now. Oh, the unknowns!!
Job interview! Congrats! And good luck on your solo mission ;-)
You make the cutest kids, I swear.
aw Theo is just too precious. And I can only imagine how trying it is to figure out life with a second child, but I know you guys will make it work. xo
Wait, you’re not going to drive through intense, white-out snow storms in order to join Mike on his job interview only to turn around and do it again? You’ve gotten soft since last year. ;) KIDDING. (I remember how awful that drive to Madison was – you stopped somewhere in Indiana, if I recall, to try to wait it out.)
Theo is adorable and you are amazing for doing all you do. Don’t sweat the 4-year old terror stuff – it even happens with 4-year olds who don’t have any siblings. Remind yourself it’s just a phase and it, too, shall pass … while you’re patting yourself on the back for doing a great job of balancing life.