(This post is, oh, almost 3 weeks late. But for posterity’s sake, I want to get it down.) (And posterity, I mean, I’m going to print these out and call it a baby book. Because that’s the extent of baby booking I’m going to do with this kid.
– Is maybe 19 lbs and over 29 inches.
– Can legit crawl and is pulling up on everything – from the pack n play to my pant legs to stools and boxes. He’s far too mobile for what he can handle, so he’s constantly toppling over or getting stuck.
– Takes regular naps like a champ and sleeps well enough at night, except for when he’s sick or teething, which, luckily, seems to be all the time.
– Still delights in his brother SO MUCH.
– Is wild and crazy. I’m calling it already. He’s not going to be Mr. Cautious like Gabe is. Nope, he’ll be the one running around in the parking lot instead of standing by the car obediently.
– Gives “kisses” that involve his teeth. He’s all cute-baby-open-mouth-kissing and then ouch! Was that your TEETH!?
– Continues to refuse bottles. There was a minute we thought he’d accept a certain, ahem, very realistic looking bottle, but alas. I continue to be his sole approved source of nutrition.
– Is SO cute and sweet when he’s happy. His smile absolutely turns my day around.
– Feel a bit trapped, if I’m honest, by him not taking a bottle. I cannot leave for more than 4 hours or so and he’s also much more difficult for anyone but me. So if I do get to escape, I worry that he’s being incredibly fussy and inconsolable. I also feel a little trapped by his nap schedule. This is real and the reality is I’m (yes, still) having a hard time.
– Am still having foot problems. The x-ray showed nothing, so I think I’m going to move to a podiatrist to solve the problems so I can start running again. (After the 10 inches of snow melts off the sidewalk.) (*Googles counseling psych jobs in warm places*)
– (Good Lord, this is getting depressing…) Uh, I am glad my friends also had babies this summer, because we can hang out with babies. Babies are cute with other babies.
– Have to go because this child is up from his nap!
Gabe at 7 months
Oh my gosh how is he already seven months old?! He is adorable although boo for him not taking a bottle – fingers crossed that changes soon!
My third refused to take bottles as well and the playtex nurser is what ended up working for us. I got a tip from a friend who’d consulted a lactation consultant. Apparently it’s the only bottle that truly empties like a breast so the flow is very natural for them. I remember that trapped feeling so acutely! You’re not alone!
Aww what a little doll baby. And I’m hoping you start feeling less trapped soon, my friend.
Neither of mine have taken a bottle yet and yeah, it’s not the greatest. Big brothers are the greatest though.
That picture of the three of you and Gabe smooching Theo is pretty perfect!
I have never been in the won’t-take-a-bottle situation, but here is my unsolicited advice that I hope you will brush off if you’re not interested. And take with a huge grain of salt that because I have not walked the road you are on. Enough disclaimers? Hope so: When you get out for your few hours, keep in mind that whoever has Gabe and Theo is doing the sprint version of your day. If it is a sitter, he/she only deals with the fussiness for a few hours and most likely Theo’s not inconsolable that entire time. So- easier said than done- but give your sitter fair warning and then head out guilt-free.
Now, when it is your husband with the fussy kid that is harder for me to deal with for whatever reason. I guess because I know he doesn’t get to leave the fussiness in a few hours like a sitter does. But similar rules apply.
The nap thing is hard, too. Our baby is still pretty portable but I kind of dread getting to the point of having to be home all morning with just a little window to hurry out, then back for another nap. With another kid (or kids) to think of, that trapped thing is just hard all around.
Spring is coming and I take comfort in knowing that we will all function a little differently and probably better when we can get out more. That helps me immensely.
Wow, how is he seven months old already?!? My second is the wild and crazy one too – it’s like she has no fear. She climbs things she has no business climbing, jumps off anything and everything, and is so BUSY – she puts things in the toilet, she colours on walls, she’s tried eating the dog’s food. Topher never did any of that – we didn’t bother to baby proof until Ellie came along :D