One month from today, this little hooligan is going to be ONE YEAR OLD.
– [Redacted comment about sleeping because I’m superstitious.]
– Has a seventh tooth poking through. Just in time for vacation!
– Walks instead of crawls most of the time now.
– Had his millionth ear infection this month.
– Started waving nonstop as soon as I mentioned last month that he doesn’t do some verbal stuff. He also tries to say some words, points, and is doing all normal baby things.
– Is more smiley than fussy, but still rather fussy some days. This might be related to teeth, ears, or just being displeased with life.
– Doesn’t really enjoy food yet. Well, he enjoys mutilating and throwing food, but nurses a lot to make up for his lack of solids.
– Has gorgeous eyelashes just like his big brother:
– Has a favorite stuffed animal, Mr. Sogs:
– Feel great! My aunt who has four kids told me to give myself a year to feel normal again. Of course, this might be related to the whole sleeping thing. *I* get to sleep now. It’s glorious. (Again, just in time to go on vacation and throw everything to hell!)
– Have been in an awesome work groove. Feeling competent and on top of things and just happy.
– Purchased this car seat for $159 today at Target – it was an online return which meant it was 15% off, then I got an extra 5% off with my RedCard and woohoo! I hadn’t planned on purchasing a Diono for Theo until July (we’re going on a long road trip), but I couldn’t resist! (We went with the Diono because it’s so narrow and we need the extra space in our Accord. It’s cheaper to buy a nice car seat than get a new car.)
– (Well, we) leave tomorrow for a week at the beach! We splurged on flying because baby in a car = not fun. Less than a two hour flight or driving an entire day? Totally worth the $126 tickets. I’m guessing Theo will eat approximately 1 pound of sand and run with abandon toward the ocean but faceplant in the sand. We shall see!
Brothers much?
Hey Ashley!
Beautiful post. The related-posts functionality come through in the email a little bit funky. We’ll roll support for it into our next update. Expect it next week.
How is he almost one! That’s amazing! He’s a tiny baby, REMEMBER?
Also, superstitious sleep mumblemumble but YAY!
I know. Fastest year ever! I feel like it was just last summer and I was a week overdue. Ha.
Also, his orange outfit is super cute. We are wearing all the sleeveless shirts and shorts here too.
I’m so glad you are starting to feel better and getting more sleep. I honestly think having a baby would be a billion times easier if they would just sleep from day 1… I’d even go for like 1 wake up a night for awhile with like a clear end date where you know they will sleep. This is in my dreamworld of course. I definitely have felt way more like my normal self since Max turned a year so I get that.
Why are babies not born knowing how to sleep?? This is my question.
ahhh!!! Look at your second adorable little boy!!! Cuteness overload!! He is such a handsome little man! Yay for getting more sleep and feeling like yourself again! I was just wondering if those things would ever happen to me again! Ha! Enjoy vacation and let’s have a playdate when you return!!
I’d love that! And hang in there. The first year is a toughie. Especially when it’s you’re transition to motherhood! You’re doing a great job!
Baby so cute…
shut your face, how is this little munchkin almost a year old already!? love his little grin so much.