Likes: Green smoothies, his brother, bananas, finding cords to pull or chew on, the guitar, Shake it Off, baths, vacuums, stuffed animals, a regular schedule, eating paper, and being mobile.
Dislikes: Blueberries, applesauce, being cold, and being buckled into his car seat (we moved him to this one).
– Is 29 inches and almost 20.5 pounds.
– Continues to be the family puppy – eating scraps off the floor, getting sad when he sees me put on my coat to leave, and wagging his legs when he’s excited to see us. My little shadow.
– Is getting happier and happier and sweeter and sweeter. The only time he’s really difficult is when we’re eating food and he wants it ALL. Thus, going out to eat with him is not easy. It’s getting easier, though! We went to our favorite breakfast place this weekend and he was good almost the entire time. WOO. (I didn’t realize how good we had it with Gabe!)
– Can play with Gabe for up to an hour at a time. This sibling is paying off! (It helps that Gabe is incredibly kind and patient with him and head over heels for ‘FiFi’)
– Has two bottom teeth and almost two top teeth. Watch out bananas, he’s a-coming for you! (He doesn’t actually eat much solid foods – he’s too busy trying to tear my house apart)
– Has ridiculously regular schedule – up at 7, nap 9-11, nap 2-2:45, bed by 7. I never had a routine with Gabe, but with a second kid it’s become necessary and I surprisingly love knowing when I’ll be able to do things!
– Is finally sleeping better at night. Mike puts him to bed now and we recently moved him out of our room. He’s nursing twice in a night, but sometimes the first feeding is before I go to bed, so I pretty much get to sleep all night except for 10 minutes and I have never had this much energy or sleep in about 18 months oh my gosh. (Also, a few weeks ago after some rough nights, I cried when I read that most babies his age should sleep 11-12 hours straight at night, so if you also have a baby that doesn’t do that, let me tell you, dear mama – you’re not alone.)
– Am incredibly glad I will have childcare again this week. Last week I didn’t (my sister – who’s their sitter – was out of town) and I ended up working every night after they were in bed and that is just not how I like to spend my evenings. I felt like a hot mess of sleepiness. It definitely affirmed my decision to hire child care!
– Am looking forward to running again. After going through several appointments, x-rays, and an MRI only to get a diagnosis of needing new running shoes. Over $500 spent (uh, on medical stuff, not the shoes) and my feet still ache. WELCOME TO 30, ASHLEY.
– Am settling into a more comfortable place with taking care of two kids and feeling closer to Mike. The first months (*cough*half a year*cough) of adding Theo to our family was a bit of a difficult adjustment, but we’re getting there. And what a relief!
– Am super duper in love with this sweet little boy.
oh I just adore that black and white picture of theo. completely unrelated to this post, have you heard of the capsule wardrobe concept that’s been tearing up the internet lately? I read about it and was like hmm where have I heard of this before, and it’s you! the capsule concept is basically your 33 item wardrobe just with a “trendy” name haha. You’re so way ahead of the curve ;)
always enjoy reading these posts; thanks for sharing! You and Mike make some adorable babies :)
Agree with Nora, your kids are ADORABLE. I am so glad to hear that you are moving to an easier place both with Theo and just with the whole 2 kids thing. It’s amazing that the two boys can entertain each other for an hour! Max is a total schedule oriented kid too- when I put him on an eating schedule his sleeping got better, and when I put him on a sleeping schedule his overall happiness got better. I don’t mind it either, like you said it’s nice to know the plan :)
Love these updates!
Cutest boys.
Aahh!! Both your boys are adorable. You are a great mom. The sleeping 11-12 hours per night at less than 1? I think that is nonsense. It’s more about how you manage it, and it sounds like you’ve done a fabulous job figuring that out. Also, I hear you on that hard first year with the second baby. Going from 1 to 2 kids was the hardest ever. We just had our fourth, and yep, nothing compares to adding that second one :-) Glad you’re able to figure out how to have a little connection with your husband. And yes, siblings are the best thing ever! I really enjoy your blog.
So what you’re saying is…there is hope to getting more sleep and having more time with my hubs?! Few! lol Also, you have the most adorable boys! You guys make cute babies! ;)
Eeee your boys are so sweet!