– Is wild. WILD, I tell you! He flings himself off of couches and beds and towards objects that harm him and generally is just CRAZY. The opposite of Gabe (who never climbed on anything until he was, like, three). Cases in point:
He climbed onto the couch, then ONTO THE (kids) TABLE next to the couch. Child is 10 months old. NOPE.
The pillows were off the couch to wash and I turned my back for a minute. He did THIS. This picture is just so Theo. Personality and craziness. And so much fun.
– Is also the opposite of Gabe’s sleep at this point. I weeped when I read Gabe slept through the night at this age, because Theo most definitely does not. (And I take comfort in knowing Gabe stopped sleeping through the night once he hit one. And that he took terrible naps while Theo is a rockstar napper. I’m bitter about babies that sleep, even my own.)
– Is super prone to ear infections, which doesn’t help in the sleep department. He also hates antibiotics, so it’s a fun time all around.
– Can freaking WALK. Well, I don’t say that he’s walking, but he can take like 10+ steps at a time. He kinda fall-walks. Like a robot. Then he falls or reaches his destination and the pure joy on his face? Oh. Oh, I wish I could bottle that up and keep it forever.
– Isn’t really talking or waving or doing anything with his language skillz like he should be. Trying not to worry, because he’s probably just been so singularly focused on learning to be extremely mobile very quickly that, you know, learning how to communicate isn’t high on the list.
– Is pretty big for his age – 75th-ish percentile or so. I can’t find the paper from his appointment and am too lazy to get out of this chair.
– Has six teeth. And I just realized he might be getting his molars already. This child likes to speed through babyhood!
Ten Months & six teeth and all the walk/falls are just too much adorableness for me to handle right now. What a cutie he is! Though, I’m sorry to hear about the ear infections and the not sleeping. That’s no fun for anyone!
It just goes to show… every kid is different. Even my (fraternal) twin sister and I were so different growing up…. the proof is in the pudding :)
He is too cute! I love the first picture, lol. Ellie was so focused on moving any way that she could that she was a late talker, but I’m completely serious when I say that she went to bed one night saying “Da da” and “Dog” and woke up the next morning speaking in full sentences. They’re all different :) I hope he starts sleeping better for you soon – our paediatrician said Ellie’s sleep issues were partly because her mind was so busy, trying to figure out how to move around!
Eee, he is precious! Slow down Theo, no need to fly through babyhood!
But really, his climbing and adventuring is adorable but also terrifying. I hope Riley is more like Gabe and holds off and those shenanigans til he’s older, ha.
Oh my gosh he is SO cute. That picture of him on the couch is THE BEST.
I’ve got a physical over language kiddo here as well!
I can’t believe he’s ten months already! But the robot comparison? Epic.
Caity is 10 months with (almost) 4 teeth – craziness! Also, so glad to see you mentioned the language thing – as a kindergarten teacher, I know I’ll probably worry about it more than necessary, but it can’t be helped, I suppose. Until recently, Caity wasn’t talking really, either, but now that we’ve got crawling and cruising down (Baby girl is FAST!), she speeds around the house saying “Dadada” and “BaBaBa” (for our dog)…enjoy the silence, LOL